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The ChannelRequest class represents a Telepathy channel request. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ChannelRequest>

Inherits Tp::StatefulDBusProxy, and OptionalInterfaceFactory< ChannelRequest >.

List of all members.


Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

  • static ChannelRequestPtr create (const QDBusConnection &bus, const QString &objectPath, const QVariantMap &immutableProperties, const AccountFactoryConstPtr &accountFactory, const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &connectionFactory, const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &channelFactory, const ContactFactoryConstPtr &contactFactory)
  • static ChannelRequestPtr create (const AccountPtr &account, const QString &objectPath, const QVariantMap &immutableProperties)

Static Public Attributes

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

The ChannelRequest class represents a Telepathy channel request.

A channel request is an object in the channel dispatcher representing an ongoing request for some channels to be created or found. There can be any number of channel request objects at the same time.

A channel request can be cancelled by any client (not just the one that requested it). This means that the channel dispatcher will close the resulting channel, or refrain from requesting it at all, rather than dispatching it to a handler.

See Asynchronous Object Model

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ChannelRequest::~ChannelRequest (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Tp::ChannelRequest::ChannelRequest ( const QDBusConnection bus,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties,
const AccountFactoryConstPtr &  accountFactory,
const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &  connectionFactory,
const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &  channelFactory,
const ContactFactoryConstPtr &  contactFactory  
) [protected]

Construct a new channel request object using the given bus and the given factories.

bus  QDBusConnection to use.
objectPath  The channel request object path.
accountFactory  The account factory to use.
connectionFactory  The connection factory to use.
channelFactory  The channel factory to use.
contactFactory  The contact factory to use.
immutableProperties  The immutable properties of the channel request.
A ChannelRequestPtr object pointing to the newly created ChannelRequest.
Tp::ChannelRequest::ChannelRequest ( const AccountPtr &  account,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties  
) [protected]

Construct a new channel request object using the given account.

The constructed instance will use the factories from the account.

account  Account to use.
objectPath  The channel request object path.
immutableProperties  The immutable properties of the channel request.
A ChannelRequestPtr object pointing to the newly created ChannelRequest.

Member Function Documentation

ChannelRequestPtr Tp::ChannelRequest::create ( const QDBusConnection bus,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties,
const AccountFactoryConstPtr &  accountFactory,
const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &  connectionFactory,
const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &  channelFactory,
const ContactFactoryConstPtr &  contactFactory  
) [static]

Create a new channel request object using the given bus and the given factories.

objectPath  The channel request object path.
immutableProperties  The channel request immutable properties.
accountFactory  The account factory to use.
connectionFactory  The connection factory to use.
channelFactory  The channel factory to use.
contactFactory  The contact factory to use.
A ChannelRequestPtr object pointing to the newly created ChannelRequest object.
ChannelRequestPtr Tp::ChannelRequest::create ( const AccountPtr &  account,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties  
) [static]

Create a new channel request object for the given account.

The returned instance will use factories from the account.

account  The account that the request was made through.
objectPath  The channel request object path.
immutableProperties  The channel request immutable properties.
A ChannelRequestPtr object pointing to the newly created ChannelRequest object.
AccountPtr Tp::ChannelRequest::account (  )  const

Return the account on which this request was made.

This method can be used even before the ChannelRequest is ready, in which case the account object corresponding to the immutable properties is returned. In this case, the Account object is not necessarily ready either. This is useful for eg. matching ChannelRequests from ClientHandlerInterface::addRequest() with existing accounts in the application: either by object path, or if account factories are in use, even by object identity.

If the account is not provided in the immutable properties, this will only return a non-NULL AccountPtr once ChannelRequest::FeatureCore is ready on this object.

A pointer to the Account object.
QDateTime Tp::ChannelRequest::userActionTime (  )  const

Return the time at which the user action occurred, or 0 if this channel request is for some reason not involving user action.

Unix developers: this corresponds to the _NET_WM_USER_TIME property in EWMH.

This property is set when the channel request is created, and can never change.

This method can be used even before the ChannelRequest is ready: in this case, the user action time from the immutable properties, if any, is returned.

The time at which the user action occurred as QDateTime.
QString Tp::ChannelRequest::preferredHandler (  )  const

Return either the well-known bus name (starting with org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.) of the preferred handler for this channel, or an empty string to indicate that any handler would be acceptable.

This property is set when the channel request is created, and can never change.

This method can be used even before the ChannelRequest is ready: in this case, the preferred handler from the immutable properties, if any, is returned.

The preferred handler, or an empty string if any handler would be acceptable.
QualifiedPropertyValueMapList Tp::ChannelRequest::requests (  )  const

Return the desirable properties for the channel or channels to be created, as specified when placing the request in the first place.

This property is set when the channel request is created, and can never change.

This method can be used even before the ChannelRequest is ready: in this case, the requested channel properties from the immutable properties, if any, are returned. This is useful for e.g. matching ChannelRequests from ClientHandlerInterface::addRequest() with existing requests in the application (by the target ID or handle, most likely).

The requested desirable channel properties as a list of QualifiedPropertyValueMap objects.
ChannelRequestHints Tp::ChannelRequest::hints (  )  const

Return the dictionary of metadata provided by the channel requester when requesting the channel.

This property is set when the channel request is created, and can never change.

This method can be used even before the ChannelRequest is ready: in this case, the requested channel properties from the immutable properties, if any, are returned. This is useful for e.g. matching ChannelRequests from ClientHandlerInterface::addRequest() with existing requests in the application (by the target ID or handle, most likely).

See also:
The hints in the request as a ChannelRequestHints object, if any.
QVariantMap Tp::ChannelRequest::immutableProperties (  )  const

Return all of the immutable properties passed to this object when created.

This is useful for e.g. getting to domain-specific properties of channel requests.

The immutable properties as QVariantMap.
PendingOperation * Tp::ChannelRequest::cancel (  ) 

Cancel the channel request.

If failed() is emitted in response to this method, the error will be TP_QT4_ERROR_CANCELLED.

If the channel has already been dispatched to a handler, then it's too late to call this method, and the channel request will no longer exist.

A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
ChannelPtr Tp::ChannelRequest::channel (  )  const

Return the Channel which this request succeeded with, if any.

This will only ever be populated if Account::requestsSucceedWithChannel() is true, and succeeded() has already been emitted on this ChannelRequest. Note that a PendingChannelRequest being successfully finished already implies succeeded() has been emitted.

A pointer to the Channel object, or a null ChannelPtr if there isn't any.
void Tp::ChannelRequest::failed ( const QString errorName,
const QString errorMessage  
) [signal]

Emitted when the channel request has failed. No further methods must not be called on it.

errorName  The name of a D-Bus error.
errorMessage  The error message.
See also:
void Tp::ChannelRequest::succeeded (  )  [signal]
Use ChannelRequest::succeeded(const ChannelPtr &) instead.
void Tp::ChannelRequest::succeeded ( const Tp::ChannelPtr &  channel  )  [signal]

Emitted when the channel request has succeeded. No further methods must not be called on it.

The channel parameter can be used to observe the channel resulting from the request (e.g. for it getting closed). The pointer may be NULL if the Channel Dispatcher implementation is too old. Whether a non-NULL channel can be expected can be checked with Account::requestsSucceedWithChannel().

If there is a channel, it will be of the subclass determined by and made ready (or not) according to the settings of the ChannelFactory on the Account the request was made through.

channel  Pointer to a proxy for the resulting channel, if the Channel Dispatcher reported it.
See also:
Client::ChannelRequestInterface * Tp::ChannelRequest::baseInterface (  )  const [protected]

Return the ChannelRequestInterface for this ChannelRequest class. This method is protected since the convenience methods provided by this class should always be used instead of the interface by users of the class.

A pointer to the existing Client::ChannelRequestInterface object for this ChannelRequest object.
void Tp::ChannelRequest::connectNotify ( const char *  signalName  )  [protected]

Member Data Documentation

Feature representing the core that needs to become ready to make the ChannelRequest object usable.

Note that this feature must be enabled in order to use most ChannelRequest methods.

When calling isReady(), becomeReady(), this feature is implicitly added to the requested features.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5