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The ConnectionFactory class is responsible for constructing Connection objects according to application-defined settings. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ConnectionFactory>

Inherits Tp::FixedFeatureFactory.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

The ConnectionFactory class is responsible for constructing Connection objects according to application-defined settings.

The class is used by Account and other classes which construct Connection proxy instances to enable sharing instances of application-defined Connection subclasses with certain features always ready.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ConnectionFactory::~ConnectionFactory (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Tp::ConnectionFactory::ConnectionFactory ( const QDBusConnection bus,
const Features features  
) [protected]

Construct a new ConnectionFactory object.

As in create(), it should be noted that unlike Connection::becomeReady(), FeatureCore isn't assumed. If no features are specified, no Connection::becomeReady() call is made at all and the proxy won't be Connection::isReady().

bus  The QDBusConnection for proxies constructed using this factory to use.
features  The features to make ready on constructed Connections.

Member Function Documentation

ConnectionFactoryPtr Tp::ConnectionFactory::create ( const QDBusConnection bus,
const Features features = Features()  
) [static]

Create a new ConnectionFactory object.

Optionally, the features to make ready on all constructed proxies can be specified. The default is to make no features ready. It should be noted that unlike Connection::becomeReady(), FeatureCore isn't assumed. If no features are specified, which is the default behavior, no Connection::becomeReady() call is made at all and the proxy won't be Connection::isReady().

bus  The QDBusConnection for proxies constructed using this factory to use.
features  The features to make ready on constructed Connections.
A ConnectionFactoryPtr object pointing to the newly created ConnectionFactory object.
PendingReady * Tp::ConnectionFactory::proxy ( const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &  chanFactory,
const ContactFactoryConstPtr &  contactFactory  
) const

Constructs a Connection proxy and begins making it ready.

If a valid proxy already exists in the factory cache for the given combination of busName and objectPath, it is returned instead. All newly created proxies are automatically cached until they're either DBusProxy::invalidated() or the last reference to them outside the factory has been dropped.

The proxy can be accessed immediately after this function returns using PendingReady::proxy(). The ready operation only finishes, however, when the features specified by features(), if any, are made ready as much as possible. If the service doesn't support a given feature, they won't obviously be ready even if the operation finished successfully, as is the case for Connection::becomeReady().

busName  The bus/service name of the D-Bus connection object the proxy is constructed for.
objectPath  The object path of the connection.
chanFactory  The channel factory to use for the Connection.
contactFactory  The channel factory to use for the Connection.
A PendingReady operation with the proxy in PendingReady::proxy().
ConnectionPtr Tp::ConnectionFactory::construct ( const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &  chanFactory,
const ContactFactoryConstPtr &  contactFactory  
) const [protected, virtual]

Can be used by subclasses to override the Connection subclass constructed by the factory.

This is automatically called by proxy() to construct proxy instances if no valid cached proxy is found.

The default implementation constructs Tp::Connection objects.

busName  The bus/service name of the D-Bus Connection object the proxy is constructed for.
objectPath  The object path of the connection.
chanFactory  The channel factory to use for the Connection.
contactFactory  The channel factory to use for the Connection.
A pointer to the constructed Connection object.
QString Tp::ConnectionFactory::finalBusNameFrom ( const QString uniqueOrWellKnown  )  const [protected, virtual]

Transforms well-known names to the corresponding unique names, as is appropriate for Connection

uniqueOrWellKnown  The name to transform.
The unique name corresponding to uniqueOrWellKnown (which may be it itself).

Implements Tp::DBusProxyFactory.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5