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Tp::FixedFeatureFactory Class Reference
[Utililty classes]

The FixedFeatureFactory class is a base class for all D-Bus proxy factories which want the same set of features for all constructed proxies. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/FixedFeatureFactory>

Inherits Tp::DBusProxyFactory.

Inherited by Tp::AccountFactory, and Tp::ConnectionFactory.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

The FixedFeatureFactory class is a base class for all D-Bus proxy factories which want the same set of features for all constructed proxies.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::FixedFeatureFactory::~FixedFeatureFactory (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Tp::FixedFeatureFactory::FixedFeatureFactory ( const QDBusConnection bus  )  [protected]

Class constructor.

The intention for storing the bus here is that it generally doesn't make sense to construct proxies for multiple buses in the same context. Allowing that would lead to more complex keying needs in the cache, as well.

bus  The D-Bus bus connection for the objects constructed using this factory.

Member Function Documentation

Features Tp::FixedFeatureFactory::features (  )  const

Gets the features this factory will make ready on constructed proxies.

The set of features.
void Tp::FixedFeatureFactory::addFeature ( const Feature feature  ) 

Adds a single feature this factory will make ready on further constructed proxies.

No feature removal is provided, to guard against uncooperative modules removing features other modules have set and depend on.

feature  The feature to add.
void Tp::FixedFeatureFactory::addFeatures ( const Features features  ) 

Adds a set of features this factory will make ready on further constructed proxies.

No feature removal is provided, to guard against uncooperative modules removing features other modules have set and depend on.

features  The features to add.
Features Tp::FixedFeatureFactory::featuresFor ( const DBusProxyPtr &  proxy  )  const [protected, virtual]

Fixed implementation of the per-proxy feature getter.

features(), irrespective of the actual proxy.

Implements Tp::DBusProxyFactory.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5