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Tp::DBusProxy Class Reference

The DBusProxy class is a base class representing a remote object available over D-Bus. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/DBusProxy>

Inherits Tp::Object, and Tp::ReadyObject.

Inherited by Tp::StatefulDBusProxy, and Tp::StatelessDBusProxy.

List of all members.


Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

The DBusProxy class is a base class representing a remote object available over D-Bus.

All Telepathy-Qt4 client convenience classes that wrap Telepathy interfaces inherit from this class in order to provide basic D-Bus interface information.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::DBusProxy::DBusProxy ( const QDBusConnection dbusConnection,
const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
const Feature featureCore  

Construct a new DBusProxy object.

dbusConnection  QDBusConnection to use.
busName  D-Bus bus name of the service that provides the remote object.
objectPath  The object path.
featureCore  The object core feature.
Tp::DBusProxy::~DBusProxy (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

QDBusConnection Tp::DBusProxy::dbusConnection (  )  const

Return the D-Bus connection through which the remote object is accessed.

A QDBusConnection object.
QString Tp::DBusProxy::busName (  )  const

Return the D-Bus bus name (either a unique name or a well-known name) of the service that provides the remote object.

The D-Bus bus name.
QString Tp::DBusProxy::objectPath (  )  const

Return the D-Bus object path of the remote object within the service.

The D-Bus object path.
bool Tp::DBusProxy::isValid (  )  const

Return whether this proxy is still valid (has not emitted invalidated()).

true if still valid, false otherwise.
QString Tp::DBusProxy::invalidationReason (  )  const

Return the error name indicating the reason this proxy became invalid.

A D-Bus error name, or QString() if this object is still valid.
QString Tp::DBusProxy::invalidationMessage (  )  const

Return a debugging message indicating the reason this proxy became invalid.

A debugging message, or QString() if this object is still valid.
void Tp::DBusProxy::invalidated ( Tp::DBusProxy proxy,
const QString errorName,
const QString errorMessage  
) [signal]

Emitted when this object is no longer usable.

After this signal is emitted, any D-Bus method calls on the object will fail, but it may be possible to retrieve information that has already been retrieved and cached.

proxy  This proxy.
errorName  The name of a D-Bus error describing the reason for the invalidation.
errorMessage  A debugging message associated with the error.
void Tp::DBusProxy::setBusName ( const QString busName  )  [protected]

Sets the D-Bus bus name. This is used by subclasses after converting well-known names to unique names.

busName  The D-Bus bus name to set.
void Tp::DBusProxy::invalidate ( const QString reason,
const QString message  
) [protected]

Called by subclasses when the DBusProxy should become invalid.

This method takes care of setting the invalidationReason, invalidationMessage, and emitting the invalidated signal.

reason  A D-Bus error name (a string in a subset of ASCII, prefixed with a reversed domain name)
message  A debugging message associated with the error
void Tp::DBusProxy::invalidate ( const QDBusError error  )  [protected]

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5