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The ManagerFile class provides an easy way to read Telepathy manager files according to the Telepathy specification. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ManagerFile>

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Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The ManagerFile class provides an easy way to read Telepathy manager files according to the Telepathy specification.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ManagerFile::ManagerFile (  ) 

Create a ManagerFile object used to read .manager compliant files.

Tp::ManagerFile::ManagerFile ( const ManagerFile other  ) 

Create a ManagerFile object used to read .manager compliant files.

Tp::ManagerFile::ManagerFile ( const QString cmName  ) 

Create a ManagerFile object used to read .manager compliant files.

cmName  Name of the connection manager to read the file for.
Tp::ManagerFile::~ManagerFile (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

ManagerFile & Tp::ManagerFile::operator= ( const ManagerFile other  ) 
QString Tp::ManagerFile::cmName (  )  const
bool Tp::ManagerFile::isValid (  )  const

Check whether or not a ManagerFile object is valid. If the file for the specified connection manager cannot be found it will be considered invalid.

true if valid, false otherwise.
QStringList Tp::ManagerFile::protocols (  )  const

Return a list of all protocols defined in the manager file.

List of all protocols defined in the file.
ParamSpecList Tp::ManagerFile::parameters ( const QString protocol  )  const

Return a list of parameters for the given protocol.

protocol  Name of the protocol to look for.
List of ParamSpec of a specific protocol defined in the file, or an empty list if the protocol is not defined.
QString Tp::ManagerFile::vcardField ( const QString protocol  )  const

Return the name of the most common vCard field used for the given protocol's contact identifiers, normalized to lower case.

protocol  Name of the protocol to look for.
The most common vCard field used for the given protocol's contact identifiers, or an empty string if there is no such field or the protocol is not defined.
QString Tp::ManagerFile::englishName ( const QString protocol  )  const

Return the English-language name of the given protocol, such as "AIM" or "Yahoo!".

The name can be used as a fallback if an application doesn't have a localized name for the protocol.

If the manager file doesn't specify the english name, it is inferred from the protocol name, such that for example "google-talk" becomes "Google Talk", but "local-xmpp" becomes "Local Xmpp".

protocol  Name of the protocol to look for.
An English-language name for the given protocol.
QString Tp::ManagerFile::iconName ( const QString protocol  )  const

Return the name of an icon for the given protocol in the system's icon theme, such as "im-msn".

If the manager file doesn't specify the icon name, "im-<protocolname>" is assumed.

protocol  Name of the protocol to look for.
The likely name of an icon for the given protocol.
RequestableChannelClassList Tp::ManagerFile::requestableChannelClasses ( const QString protocol  )  const

Return a list of channel classes which might be requestable from a connection to the given protocol.

protocol  Name of the protocol to look for.
A list of channel classes which might be requestable from a connection to the given protocol or a default constructed RequestableChannelClassList instance if the protocol is not defined.
PresenceSpecList Tp::ManagerFile::allowedPresenceStatuses ( const QString protocol  )  const

Return a list of PresenceSpec representing the possible presence statuses from a connection to the given protocol.

protocol  Name of the protocol to look for.
A list of PresenceSpec representing the possible presence statuses from a connection to the given protocol or an empty list if the protocol is not defined.
AvatarSpec Tp::ManagerFile::avatarRequirements ( const QString protocol  )  const

Return the requirements (size limits, supported MIME types, etc) for avatars used on the given protocol.

protocol  Name of the protocol to look for.
The requirements for avatars used on the given protocol or an invalid AvatarSpec if the protocol is not defined.
QVariant::Type Tp::ManagerFile::variantTypeFromDBusSignature ( const QString dbusSignature  )  [static]
QVariant Tp::ManagerFile::parseValueWithDBusSignature ( const QString value,
const QString dbusSignature  
) [static]

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5