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Tp::Message Class Reference
[Channel proxies]

The Message class represents a Telepathy message in a TextChannel. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/Message>

Inherited by Tp::ReceivedMessage.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The Message class represents a Telepathy message in a TextChannel.

This class is implicitly shared, like QString.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::Message::Message ( ChannelTextMessageType  type,
const QString text  

Construct a new Message object.

type  The message type.
text  The message body.
Tp::Message::Message ( const Message other  ) 

Copy constructor.

Tp::Message::~Message (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

Message & Tp::Message::operator= ( const Message other  ) 

Assignment operator.

bool Tp::Message::operator== ( const Message other  )  const

Equality operator.

bool Tp::Message::operator!= ( const Message other  )  const [inline]
QDateTime Tp::Message::sent (  )  const

Return the time the message was sent, or QDateTime() if that time is unknown.

The timestamp as QDateTime.
ChannelTextMessageType Tp::Message::messageType (  )  const

Return the type of this message, or ChannelTextMessageTypeNormal if the type is not recognised.

The type as ChannelTextMessageType.
bool Tp::Message::isTruncated (  )  const

Return whether this message was truncated during delivery.

true if truncated, false otherwise.
bool Tp::Message::hasNonTextContent (  )  const

Return whether this message contains parts not representable as plain text.

true if it cannot completely be represented as plain text, false otherwise.
QString Tp::Message::messageToken (  )  const

Return the unique token identifying this message (e.g. the id attribute for XMPP messages), or an empty string if there is no suitable token.

The non-empty message identifier, or an empty string if none.
bool Tp::Message::isSpecificToDBusInterface (  )  const

Return whether this message is specific to a D-Bus interface. This is false in almost all cases.

If this function returns true, the message is specific to the interface indicated by dbusInterface(). Clients that don't understand that interface should not display the message. However, if the client would acknowledge an ordinary message, it must also acknowledge this interface-specific message.

true if dbusInterface() would return a non-empty string, false otherwise.
See also:
QString Tp::Message::dbusInterface (  )  const

Return the D-Bus interface to which this message is specific, or an empty string for normal messages.

The D-Bus interface name, or an empty string.
See also:
QString Tp::Message::text (  )  const

Return the message body containing all "text/plain" parts.

The body text.
MessagePart Tp::Message::header (  )  const

Return the message's header part, as defined by the Telepathy specification.

This is provided for advanced clients that need to access additional information not available through the normal Message API.

The header as a MessagePart object. The same thing as part(0).
int Tp::Message::size (  )  const

Return the number of parts in this message.

1 greater than the largest valid argument to part().
See also:
part(), parts()
MessagePart Tp::Message::part ( uint  index  )  const

Return the message's part for index, as defined by the Telepathy specification.

This is provided for advanced clients that need to access additional information not available through the normal Message API.

index  The part to access, which must be strictly less than size(); part number 0 is the header, parts numbered 1 or greater are the body of the message.
A MessagePart object.
MessagePartList Tp::Message::parts (  )  const

Return the list of message parts forming this message.

The list of MessagePart objects.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5