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Tp::AccountSet Class Reference
[Account proxies]

The AccountSet class represents a set of Telepathy accounts filtered by a given criteria. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/AccountSet>

Inherits Tp::Object.

List of all members.


Public Member Functions


Detailed Description

The AccountSet class represents a set of Telepathy accounts filtered by a given criteria.

AccountSet is automatically updated whenever accounts that match the given criteria are added, removed or updated.


Creating an AccountSet object

The easiest way to create AccountSet objects is through AccountManager. One can just use the AccountManager convenience methods such as AccountManager::validAccounts() to get a set of account objects representing valid accounts.

For example:

 class MyClass : public QObject

     MyClass(QObject *parent = 0);
     ~MyClass() { }

 private Q_SLOTS:
     void onAccountManagerReady(Tp::PendingOperation *);
     void onValidAccountAdded(const Tp::AccountPtr &);
     void onValidAccountRemoved(const Tp::AccountPtr &);

     AccountManagerPtr am;
     AccountSetPtr validAccountsSet;

 MyClass::MyClass(QObject *parent)
     : QObject(parent)

 void MyClass::onAccountManagerReady(Tp::PendingOperation *op)
     if (op->isError()) {
         qWarning() << "Account manager cannot become ready:" <<
             op->errorName() << "-" << op->errorMessage();

     validAccountsSet = am->validAccounts();
             SIGNAL(accountAdded(const Tp::AccountPtr &)),
             SLOT(onValidAccountAdded(const Tp::AccountPtr &)));
             SIGNAL(accountRemoved(const Tp::AccountPtr &)),
             SLOT(onValidAccountRemoved(const Tp::AccountPtr &)));

     QList<AccountPtr> accounts = validAccountsSet->accounts();
     // do something with accounts

 void MyClass::onValidAccountAdded(const Tp::AccountPtr &account)
     // do something with account

 void MyClass::onValidAccountRemoved(const Tp::AccountPtr &account)
     // do something with account

You can also define your own filter using AccountManager::filterAccounts:

 void MyClass::onAccountManagerReady(Tp::PendingOperation *op)

     AccountPropertyFilterPtr filter = AccountPropertyFilter::create();
     filter->addProperty(QLatin1String("protocolName"), QLatin1String("jabber"));
     filter->addProperty(QLatin1String("enabled"), true);

     AccountSetPtr filteredAccountSet = am->filterAccounts(filter);
     // connect to AccountSet::accountAdded/accountRemoved signals
     QList<AccountPtr> accounts = filteredAccountSet->accounts();
     // do something with accounts


Note that for AccountSet to property work with AccountCapabilityFilter objects, the feature Account::FeatureCapabilities need to be enabled in all accounts return by the AccountManager passed as param in the constructor. The easiest way to do this is to enable AccountManager feature AccountManager::FeatureFilterByCapabilities.

AccountSet can also be instantiated directly, but when doing it, the AccountManager object passed as param in the constructor must be ready for AccountSet properly work.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::AccountSet::AccountSet ( const AccountManagerPtr &  accountManager,
const AccountFilterConstPtr &  filter  

Construct a new AccountSet object.

accountManager  An account manager object used to filter accounts. The account manager object must be ready.
filter  The desired filter.
Tp::AccountSet::AccountSet ( const AccountManagerPtr &  accountManager,
const QVariantMap &  filter  

Construct a new AccountSet object.

The filter must contain Account property names and values as map items.

accountManager  An account manager object used to filter accounts. The account manager object must be ready.
filter  The desired filter.
Tp::AccountSet::~AccountSet (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

AccountManagerPtr Tp::AccountSet::accountManager (  )  const
AccountFilterConstPtr Tp::AccountSet::filter (  )  const
QList<AccountPtr> Tp::AccountSet::accounts (  )  const
void Tp::AccountSet::accountAdded ( const Tp::AccountPtr &  account  )  [signal]

Emitted whenever an account that matches filter is added to this set.

account  The account that was added to this set.
See also:
void Tp::AccountSet::accountRemoved ( const Tp::AccountPtr &  account  )  [signal]

Emitted whenever an account that matches filter is removed from this set.

account  The account that was removed from this set.
See also:

Property Documentation

AccountManagerPtr Tp::AccountSet::accountManager [read]

Return the account manager object used to filter accounts.

A pointer to the AccountManager object.
AccountFilterConstPtr Tp::AccountSet::filter [read]

Return the filter used to filter accounts.

A read-only pointer the AccountFilter object.
QList< AccountPtr > Tp::AccountSet::accounts [read]

Return a list of account objects that match filter.

Change notification is via the accountAdded() and accountRemoved() signals.

A list of pointers to Account objects.
See also:
accountAdded(), accountRemoved()

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5