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Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties Class Reference
[Channel proxies]

The FileTransferChannelCreationProperties class represents the properties of a file transfer channel request. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/FileTransferChannelCreationProperties>

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Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The FileTransferChannelCreationProperties class represents the properties of a file transfer channel request.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties (  ) 
Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties ( const QString suggestedFileName,
const QString contentType,
qulonglong  size  

Create a FileTransferChannelCreationProperties.

If suggestedFileName or contentType are empty or if size is equal to zero, the channel request will fail. suggestedFileName will be cleaned of any path.

suggestedFileName  The name of the file on the sender's side. This is therefore given as a suggested filename for the receiver.
contentType  The content type (MIME) of the file.
size  The size of the content of the file.
See also:
Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties ( const QString path,
const QString contentType  

Create a FileTransferChannelCreationProperties.

This constructor accepts the path to a local file and sets the properties that can be deducted from the file. If path is not a local file the FileTransferChannelCreationProperties will be invalid.

path  The path to the local file to be sent.
Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties ( const FileTransferChannelCreationProperties other  ) 

Copy constructor.

Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::~FileTransferChannelCreationProperties (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

bool Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::isValid (  )  const [inline]
FileTransferChannelCreationProperties & Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::operator= ( const FileTransferChannelCreationProperties other  ) 
bool Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::operator== ( const FileTransferChannelCreationProperties other  )  const
FileTransferChannelCreationProperties & Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::setContentHash ( FileHashType  contentHashType,
const QString contentHash  

Set the content hash of the file and its type for the request.

contentHashType  The type of content hash.
contentHash  The hash of the file, of type contentHashType.
This FileTransferChannelCreationProperties.
See also:
hasContentHash(), contentHash(), contentHashType()
FileTransferChannelCreationProperties & Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::setDescription ( const QString description  ) 

Set a description of the file for the request.

description  The description of the file.
This FileTransferChannelCreationProperties.
See also:
hasDescription(), description()
FileTransferChannelCreationProperties & Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::setLastModificationTime ( const QDateTime lastModificationTime  ) 

Set the last modification time of the file for the request.

lastModificationTime  The last modification time of the file.
This FileTransferChannelCreationProperties.
See also:
hasLastModificationTime(), lastModificationTime()
FileTransferChannelCreationProperties & Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::setUri ( const QString uri  ) 

Set the URI of the file for the request.

uri  The URI of the file.
This FileTransferChannelCreationProperties.
See also:
QString Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::suggestedFileName (  )  const

Return the suggested file name for the request. If the suggested file name is empty, the channel request will fail.

The suggested file name for the request.
QString Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::contentType (  )  const

Return the content type (MIME) of the file for the request. If the content type is empty, the channel request will fail.

The content type of the file.
qulonglong Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::size (  )  const

Return the size of the contents of the file for the request. If size is zero, the channel request will fail.

The size of the contents of file.
bool Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::hasContentHash (  )  const

Return whether the request will have a content hash.

true whether it will have a content hash, false otherwise.
See also:
contentHash(), contentHashType(), setContentHash()
FileHashType Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::contentHashType (  )  const

Return the type of the content hash for the request.

The type of the content hash.
See also:
hasContentHash(), contentHash(), setContentHash()
QString Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::contentHash (  )  const

Return the content hash of the file for the request.

The hash of the contents of the file transfer, of type returned by contentHashType().
See also:
hasContentHash(), contentHashType(), setContentHash()
bool Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::hasDescription (  )  const

Return whether the request will have a descriprion.

true whether it will have description, false otherwise.
See also:
description(), setDescription()
QString Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::description (  )  const

Return the description of the file for the request.

The description of the file.
See also:
hasDescription(), setDescription()
bool Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::hasLastModificationTime (  )  const

Return whether the request will have a last modification time.

true whether it will have a last modification time, false otherwise.
See also:
lastModificationTime(), setLastModificationTime()
QDateTime Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::lastModificationTime (  )  const

Return the last modification time of the file for the request.

The last modification time of the file.
See also:
hasLastModificationTime(), setLastModificationTime()
bool Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::hasUri (  )  const

Return whether the request will have an URI.

true whether it will have URI, false otherwise.
See also:
uri(), setUri()
QString Tp::FileTransferChannelCreationProperties::uri (  )  const

Return the URI of the file for the request. If the URI property is empty and the file transfer is handled by an handler that is not this process, then it won't be able to initiate the file transfer.

The URI of the file.
See also:

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5