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Tp::ConnectionCapabilities Class Reference
[Connection proxies]

The ConnectionCapabilities class represents the capabilities of a Connection. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ConnectionCapabilities>

Inherits Tp::CapabilitiesBase.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

The ConnectionCapabilities class represents the capabilities of a Connection.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::ConnectionCapabilities (  ) 

Construct a new ConnectionCapabilities object.

Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::~ConnectionCapabilities (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::ConnectionCapabilities ( const RequestableChannelClassList rccs  )  [protected]

Construct a new ConnectionCapabilities object using the give rccs.

rccs  RequestableChannelClassList representing the capabilities of a Connection.
Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::ConnectionCapabilities ( const RequestableChannelClassSpecList rccSpecs  )  [protected]

Construct a new ConnectionCapabilities object using the give rccSpecs.

rccSpecs  RequestableChannelClassSpecList representing the capabilities of a Connection.

Member Function Documentation

bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::textChatrooms (  )  const

Return true if named text chatrooms can be joined by providing a chatroom identifier.

If the protocol is such that chatrooms can be joined, but only via a more elaborate D-Bus API than normal (because more information is needed), then this method will return false.

true if Account::ensureTextChatroom() can be expected to work.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::conferenceStreamedMediaCalls (  )  const

Return whether creating conference media calls is supported.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::conferenceStreamedMediaCallsWithInvitees (  )  const

Return whether creating conference media calls is supported.

This method will also check whether inviting new contacts when creating a conference media call channel by providing additional members to initial invitees (as opposed to merging several channels into one new conference channel) is supported.

If providing additional members is supported, it is also possible to request conference media calls with fewer than two (even zero) already established media calls.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::conferenceTextChats (  )  const

Return whether creating conference text chats is supported.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::conferenceTextChatsWithInvitees (  )  const

Return whether creating conference text chats is supported.

This method will also check whether inviting new contacts when creating a conference text chat channel by providing additional members to initial invitees (as opposed to merging several channels into one new conference channel) is supported.

If providing additional members is supported, it is also possible to request conference text chats with fewer than two (even zero) already established text chats.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::conferenceTextChatrooms (  )  const

Return whether creating conference text chat rooms is supported.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::conferenceTextChatroomsWithInvitees (  )  const

Return whether creating conference text chat rooms is supported.

This method will also check whether inviting new contacts when creating a conference text chat room channel by providing additional members to initial invitees (as opposed to merging several channels into one new conference channel) is supported.

If providing additional members is supported, it is also possible to request conference text chat rooms with fewer than two (even zero) already established text chat rooms.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::contactSearches (  )  const

Return whether creating a ContactSearch channel is supported.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::contactSearchesWithSpecificServer (  )  const

Return whether creating a ContactSearch channel specifying a server is supported.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::contactSearchesWithLimit (  )  const

Return whether creating a ContactSearch channel specifying a limit is supported.

true if supported, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::contactSearch (  ) 
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::contactSearchWithSpecificServer (  )  const
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::contactSearchWithLimit (  )  const
bool Tp::ConnectionCapabilities::streamTubes (  )  const

Return whether creating a StreamTube channel by providing a contact identifier is supported.

true if supported, false otherwise.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5