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Tp::StreamedMediaStream Class Reference
[Channel proxies]

The StreamedMediaStream class represents a Telepathy streamed media stream. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/StreamedMediaStream>

Inherits Tp::Object, and Tp::ReadyObject.

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The StreamedMediaStream class represents a Telepathy streamed media stream.

Instances of this class cannot be constructed directly; the only way to get one is via StreamedMediaChannel.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::StreamedMediaStream::~StreamedMediaStream (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

StreamedMediaChannelPtr Tp::StreamedMediaStream::channel (  )  const

Return the channel owning this media stream.

A pointer to the StreamedMediaChannel object.
uint Tp::StreamedMediaStream::id (  )  const

Return the id of this media stream.

An integer representing the media stream id.
ContactPtr Tp::StreamedMediaStream::contact (  )  const

Return the contact who this media stream is with.

A pointer to the Contact object.
MediaStreamState Tp::StreamedMediaStream::state (  )  const

Return the state of this media stream.

The state as MediaStreamState.
MediaStreamType Tp::StreamedMediaStream::type (  )  const

Return the type of this media stream.

The type as MediaStreamType.
StreamedMediaStream::SendingState Tp::StreamedMediaStream::localSendingState (  )  const

Return the media stream local sending state.

The local sending state as StreamedMediaStream::SendingState.
See also:
StreamedMediaStream::SendingState Tp::StreamedMediaStream::remoteSendingState (  )  const

Return the media stream remote sending state.

The remote sending state as StreamedMediaStream::SendingState.
See also:
bool Tp::StreamedMediaStream::sending (  )  const

Return whether media is being sent on this media stream.

true if media is being sent, false otherwise.
See also:
bool Tp::StreamedMediaStream::receiving (  )  const

Return whether media is being received on this media stream.

true if media is being received, false otherwise.
See also:
bool Tp::StreamedMediaStream::localSendingRequested (  )  const

Return whether the local user has been asked to send media by the remote user on this media stream.

true if the local user has been asked to send media by the remote user, false otherwise.
See also:
bool Tp::StreamedMediaStream::remoteSendingRequested (  )  const

Return whether the remote user has been asked to send media by the local user on this media stream.

true if the remote user has been asked to send media by the local user, false otherwise.
See also:
MediaStreamDirection Tp::StreamedMediaStream::direction (  )  const

Return the direction of this media stream.

The direction as MediaStreamDirection.
See also:
localSendingState(), remoteSendingState(), localSendingStateChanged(), remoteSendingStateChanged(), sending(), receiving()
MediaStreamPendingSend Tp::StreamedMediaStream::pendingSend (  )  const

Return the pending send flags of this media stream.

The pending send flags as MediaStreamPendingSend.
See also:
PendingOperation * Tp::StreamedMediaStream::requestSending ( bool  send  ) 

Request that media starts or stops being sent on this media stream.

A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
See also:
localSendingStateChanged(), requestDirection()
PendingOperation * Tp::StreamedMediaStream::requestReceiving ( bool  receive  ) 

Request that the remote contact stops or starts sending on this media stream.

A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
See also:
remoteSendingStateChanged(), requestDirection()
PendingOperation * Tp::StreamedMediaStream::requestDirection ( MediaStreamDirection  direction  ) 

Request a change in the direction of this media stream. In particular, this might be useful to stop sending media of a particular type, or inform the peer that you are no longer using media that is being sent to you.

direction  The new direction.
A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
See also:
localSendingStateChanged(), remoteSendingStateChanged()
PendingOperation * Tp::StreamedMediaStream::requestDirection ( bool  send,
bool  receive  

Request a change in the direction of this media stream.

In particular, this might be useful to stop sending media of a particular type, or inform the peer that you are no longer using media that is being sent to you.

A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
See also:
requestDirection(Tp::MediaStreamDirection direction), localSendingStateChanged(), remoteSendingStateChanged()
PendingOperation * Tp::StreamedMediaStream::startDTMFTone ( DTMFEvent  event  ) 

Start sending a DTMF tone on this media stream.

Where possible, the tone will continue until stopDTMFTone() is called. On certain protocols, it may only be possible to send events with a predetermined length. In this case, the implementation may emit a fixed-length tone, and the stopDTMFTone() method call should return TP_QT4_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE.

If the channel() does not support the TP_QT4_IFACE_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_DTMF interface, the resulting PendingOperation will fail with error code TP_QT4_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.

event  A numeric event code from the DTMFEvent enum.
A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the request finishes.
See also:
PendingOperation * Tp::StreamedMediaStream::stopDTMFTone (  ) 

Stop sending any DTMF tone which has been started using the startDTMFTone() method.

If there is no current tone, the resulting PendingOperation will finish successfully.

If continuous tones are not supported by this media stream, the resulting PendingOperation will fail with error code TP_QT4_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE.

If the channel() does not support the TP_QT4_IFACE_CHANNEL_INTERFACE_DTMF interface, the resulting PendingOperation will fail with error code TP_QT4_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.

A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the request finishes.
See also:
void Tp::StreamedMediaStream::localSendingStateChanged ( Tp::StreamedMediaStream::SendingState  localSendingState  )  [signal]

Emitted when the local sending state of this media stream changes.

localSendingState  The new local sending state of this media stream.
See also:
void Tp::StreamedMediaStream::remoteSendingStateChanged ( Tp::StreamedMediaStream::SendingState  remoteSendingState  )  [signal]

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5