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The Profile class provides an easy way to read Telepathy profile files according to http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/service-profile-v1. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/Profile>

Inherits Tp::RefCounted.

List of all members.


Public Types

Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The Profile class provides an easy way to read Telepathy profile files according to http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/service-profile-v1.

Note that profiles with xml element <type> different than "IM" are considered invalid.

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::Profile::~Profile (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

ProfilePtr Tp::Profile::createForServiceName ( const QString serviceName  )  [static]

Create a new Profile object used to read .profiles compliant files.

serviceName  The profile service name.
A ProfilePtr object pointing to the newly created Profile object.
ProfilePtr Tp::Profile::createForFileName ( const QString fileName  )  [static]

Create a new Profile object used to read .profiles compliant files.

fileName  The profile file name.
A ProfilePtr object pointing to the newly created Profile object.
QString Tp::Profile::serviceName (  )  const

Return the unique name of the service to which this profile applies.

The unique name of the service.
bool Tp::Profile::isValid (  )  const

Return whether this profile is valid.

true if valid, otherwise false.
bool Tp::Profile::isFake (  )  const

Return whether this profile is fake.

Fake profiles are profiles created for services not providing a .profile file.

true if fake, otherwise false.
QString Tp::Profile::type (  )  const

Return the type of the service to which this profile applies.

In general, services of interest of Telepathy should be of type 'IM'. Other service types exist but are unlikely to affect Telepathy in any way.

The type of the service.
QString Tp::Profile::provider (  )  const

Return the name of the vendor/organisation/provider who actually runs the service to which this profile applies.

The provider of the service.
QString Tp::Profile::name (  )  const

Return the human-readable name for the service to which this profile applies.

The Human-readable name of the service.
QString Tp::Profile::iconName (  )  const

Return the base name of the icon for the service to which this profile applies.

The base name of the icon for the service.
QString Tp::Profile::cmName (  )  const

Return the connection manager name for the service to which this profile applies.

The connection manager name for the service.
QString Tp::Profile::protocolName (  )  const

Return the protocol name for the service to which this profile applies.

The protocol name for the service.
Profile::ParameterList Tp::Profile::parameters (  )  const

Return a list of parameters defined for the service to which this profile applies.

A list of Profile::Parameter.
bool Tp::Profile::hasParameter ( const QString name  )  const

Return whether this profile defines the parameter named name.

true if parameter is defined, otherwise false.
Profile::Parameter Tp::Profile::parameter ( const QString name  )  const

Return the parameter for a given name.

A Profile::Parameter.
bool Tp::Profile::allowOtherPresences (  )  const

Return whether the standard CM presences not defined in presences() are supported.

true if standard CM presences are supported, otherwise false.
Profile::PresenceList Tp::Profile::presences (  )  const

Return a list of presences defined for the service to which this profile applies.

A list of Profile::Presence.
bool Tp::Profile::hasPresence ( const QString id  )  const

Return whether this profile defines the presence with id id.

true if presence is defined, otherwise false.
Profile::Presence Tp::Profile::presence ( const QString id  )  const

Return the presence for a given id.

A Profile::Presence.
RequestableChannelClassSpecList Tp::Profile::unsupportedChannelClassSpecs (  )  const

A list of channel classes not supported by the service to which this profile applies.

A list of RequestableChannelClassSpec.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5