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The SimpleObserver class provides an easy way to track channels in an account and can be optionally filtered by a contact. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/SimpleObserver>

Inherits QObject, and Tp::RefCounted.

List of all members.


Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The SimpleObserver class provides an easy way to track channels in an account and can be optionally filtered by a contact.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::SimpleObserver::~SimpleObserver (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

SimpleObserverPtr Tp::SimpleObserver::create ( const AccountPtr &  account,
const ChannelClassSpecList channelFilter,
const QList< ChannelClassFeatures > &  extraChannelFeatures = QList<ChannelClassFeatures>()  
) [static]

Create a new SimpleObserver object.

Events will be signalled for all channels in account that match channelFilter for all contacts.

channelFilter  A specification of the channels in which this observer is interested.
account  The account used to listen to events.
extraChannelFeatures  Extra channel features to be enabled. All channels emitted in newChannels() will have the extra features that match their immutable properties enabled.
An SimpleObserverPtr object pointing to the newly created SimpleObserver object.
SimpleObserverPtr Tp::SimpleObserver::create ( const AccountPtr &  account,
const ChannelClassSpecList channelFilter,
const ContactPtr &  contact,
const QList< ChannelClassFeatures > &  extraChannelFeatures = QList<ChannelClassFeatures>()  
) [static]

Create a new SimpleObserver object.

Events will be signalled for all channels in account established with contact, if not null, and that match channelFilter.

channelFilter  A specification of the channels in which this observer is interested.
account  The account used to listen to events.
contact  The contact used to filter events.
extraChannelFeatures  Extra channel features to be enabled. All channels emitted in newChannels() will have the extra features that match their immutable properties enabled.
An SimpleObserverPtr object pointing to the newly created SimpleObserver object.
SimpleObserverPtr Tp::SimpleObserver::create ( const AccountPtr &  account,
const ChannelClassSpecList channelFilter,
const QString contactIdentifier,
const QList< ChannelClassFeatures > &  extraChannelFeatures = QList<ChannelClassFeatures>()  
) [static]

Create a new SimpleObserver object.

Events will be signalled for all channels in account established with a contact identified by contactIdentifier, if non-empty, and that match channelFilter.

channelFilter  A specification of the channels in which this observer is interested.
account  The account used to listen to events.
contactIdentifier  The identifier of the contact used to filter events.
extraChannelFeatures  Extra channel features to be enabled. All channels emitted in newChannels() will have the extra features that match their immutable properties enabled.
An SimpleObserverPtr object pointing to the newly created SimpleObserver object.
AccountPtr Tp::SimpleObserver::account (  )  const

Return the account used to listen to events.

A pointer to the Account object.
ChannelClassSpecList Tp::SimpleObserver::channelFilter (  )  const

Return a specification of the channels that this observer is interested.

The specification of the channels as a list of ChannelClassSpec objects.
QString Tp::SimpleObserver::contactIdentifier (  )  const

Return the identifier of the contact used to filter events, or an empty string if none was provided at construction.

The identifier of the contact.
QList< ChannelClassFeatures > Tp::SimpleObserver::extraChannelFeatures (  )  const

Return the extra channel features to be enabled based on the channels immutable properties.

The features as a list of ChannelClassFeatures objects.
QList< ChannelPtr > Tp::SimpleObserver::channels (  )  const

Return the channels being observed.

A list of pointers to Channel objects.
void Tp::SimpleObserver::newChannels ( const QList< Tp::ChannelPtr > &  channels  )  [signal]

Emitted whenever new channels that match this observer's criteria are created.

channels  The new channels.
void Tp::SimpleObserver::channelInvalidated ( const Tp::ChannelPtr &  channel,
const QString errorName,
const QString errorMessage  
) [signal]

Emitted whenever a channel that is being observed is invalidated.

channel  The channel that was invalidated.
errorName  A D-Bus error name (a string in a subset of ASCII, prefixed with a reversed domain name).
errorMessage  A debugging message associated with the error.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5