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The ContactSearchChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type ContactSearch. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ContactSearchChannel>

Inherits Tp::Channel.

List of all members.


Public Types


Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

  • static ContactSearchChannelPtr create (const ConnectionPtr &connection, const QString &objectPath, const QVariantMap &immutableProperties)

Static Public Attributes

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

The ContactSearchChannel class represents a Telepathy channel of type ContactSearch.

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ContactSearchChannel::~ContactSearchChannel (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Tp::ContactSearchChannel::ContactSearchChannel ( const ConnectionPtr &  connection,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties,
const Feature coreFeature  
) [protected]

Construct a new ContactSearchChannel object.

connection  Connection owning this channel, and specifying the service.
objectPath  The channel object path.
immutableProperties  The channel immutable properties.
coreFeature  The core feature of the channel type, if any. The corresponding introspectable should depend on ContactSearchChannel::FeatureCore.

Member Function Documentation

ContactSearchChannelPtr Tp::ContactSearchChannel::create ( const ConnectionPtr &  connection,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties  
) [static]

Create a new ContactSearchChannel object.

connection  Connection owning this channel, and specifying the service.
objectPath  The channel object path.
immutableProperties  The channel immutable properties.
A ContactSearchChannelPtr object pointing to the newly created ContactSearchChannel object.

Reimplemented from Tp::Channel.

ChannelContactSearchState Tp::ContactSearchChannel::searchState (  )  const

Return the current search state of this channel.

Change notification is via the searchStateChanged() signal.

This method requires ContactSearchChannel::FeatureCore to be ready.

The current search state as ChannelContactSearchState.
See also:
uint Tp::ContactSearchChannel::limit (  )  const

Return the maximum number of results that should be returned by calling search(), where 0 represents no limit.

For example, if the terms passed to search() match Antonius, Bridget and Charles and this property is 2, the search service will only return Antonius and Bridget.

This method requires ContactSearchChannel::FeatureCore to be ready.

The maximum number of results, or 0 if there is no limit.
See also:
availableSearchKeys(), search()
QStringList Tp::ContactSearchChannel::availableSearchKeys (  )  const

Return the set of search keys supported by this channel.

Example values include [""] (for protocols where several address fields are implicitly searched) or ["x-n-given", "x-n-family", "nickname", "email"] (for XMPP XEP-0055, without extensibility via Data Forms).

This method requires ContactSearchChannel::FeatureCore to be ready.

The supported search keys.
See also:
limit(), search()
QString Tp::ContactSearchChannel::server (  )  const

Return the DNS name of the server being searched by this channel.

This method requires ContactSearchChannel::FeatureCore to be ready.

For protocols which support searching for contacts on multiple servers with different DNS names (like XMPP), the DNS name of the server being searched by this channel, e.g. "characters.shakespeare.lit". Otherwise, an empty string.
PendingOperation * Tp::ContactSearchChannel::search ( const QString searchKey,
const QString searchTerm  

Send a request to start a search for contacts on this connection.

This may only be called while the searchState() is ChannelContactSearchStateNotStarted; a valid search request will cause the searchStateChanged() signal to be emitted with the state ChannelContactSearchStateInProgress.

Search results are signalled by searchResultReceived().

This method requires ContactSearchChannel::FeatureCore to be ready.

This is an overloaded method for search(const ContactSearchMap &searchTerms).

searchKey  The search key.
searchTerm  The search term.
A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the search has started.
See also:
searchState(), searchStateChanged(), searchResultReceived()
PendingOperation * Tp::ContactSearchChannel::search ( const ContactSearchMap terms  ) 

Send a request to start a search for contacts on this connection.

This may only be called while the searchState() is ChannelContactSearchStateNotStarted; a valid search request will cause the searchStateChanged() signal to be emitted with the state ChannelContactSearchStateInProgress.

Search results are signalled by searchResultReceived().

This method requires ContactSearchChannel::FeatureCore to be ready.

terms  The search terms.
A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the search has started.
See also:
searchState(), searchStateChanged(), searchResultReceived()
void Tp::ContactSearchChannel::continueSearch (  ) 

Request that a search which searchState() is ChannelContactSearchStateMoreAvailable move back to state ChannelContactSearchStateInProgress and continue listing up to limit() more results.

void Tp::ContactSearchChannel::stopSearch (  ) 

Stop the current search.

This may not be called while the searchState() is ChannelContactSearchStateNotStarted. If called while the searchState() is ChannelContactSearchStateInProgress, searchStateChanged() will be emitted, with the state ChannelContactSearchStateFailed and the error TP_QT4_ERROR_CANCELLED.

A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
See also:
searchState(), searchStateChanged()
void Tp::ContactSearchChannel::searchStateChanged ( Tp::ChannelContactSearchState  state,
const QString errorName,
const Tp::ContactSearchChannel::SearchStateChangeDetails details  
) [signal]

Emitted when the value of searchState() changes.

state  The new state.
errorName  The name of the error if any.
details  The details for the state change.
See also:
void Tp::ContactSearchChannel::searchResultReceived ( const Tp::ContactSearchChannel::SearchResult result  )  [signal]

Emitted when a result for a search is received. It can be emitted multiple times until the searchState() goes to ChannelContactSearchStateCompleted or ChannelContactSearchStateFailed.

result  The search result.
See also:

Member Data Documentation

Feature representing the core that needs to become ready to make the ContactSearchChannel object usable.

Note that this feature must be enabled in order to use most ContactSearchChannel methods. See specific methods documentation for more details.

When calling isReady(), becomeReady(), this feature is implicitly added to the requested features.

Reimplemented from Tp::Channel.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5