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The ChannelDispatchOperation class represents a Telepathy channel dispatch operation. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ChannelDispatchOperation>

Inherits Tp::StatefulDBusProxy, and OptionalInterfaceFactory< ChannelDispatchOperation >.

List of all members.


Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

  • static ChannelDispatchOperationPtr create (const QDBusConnection &bus, const QString &objectPath, const QVariantMap &immutableProperties, const QList< ChannelPtr > &initialChannels, const AccountFactoryConstPtr &accountFactory, const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &connectionFactory, const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &channelFactory, const ContactFactoryConstPtr &contactFactory)

Static Public Attributes

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

The ChannelDispatchOperation class represents a Telepathy channel dispatch operation.

One of the channel dispatcher's functions is to offer incoming channels to Approver clients for approval. An approver should generally ask the user whether they want to participate in the requested communication channels (join the chat or chatroom, answer the call, accept the file transfer, or whatever is appropriate). A collection of channels offered in this way is represented by a ChannelDispatchOperation object.

If the user wishes to accept the communication channels, the approver should call handleWith() to indicate the user's or approver's preferred handler for the channels (the empty string indicates no particular preference, and will cause any suitable handler to be used).

If the user wishes to reject the communication channels, or if the user accepts the channels and the approver will handle them itself, the approver should call claim(). If the resulting PendingOperation succeeds, the approver immediately has control over the channels as their primary handler, and may do anything with them (in particular, it may close them in whatever way seems most appropriate).

There are various situations in which the channel dispatch operation will be closed, causing the DBusProxy::invalidated() signal to be emitted. If this happens, the approver should stop prompting the user.

Because all approvers are launched simultaneously, the user might respond to another approver; if this happens, the invalidated signal will be emitted with the error code TP_QT4_ERROR_OBJECT_REMOVED.

If a channel closes, the signal channelLost() is emitted. If all channels close, there is nothing more to dispatch, so the invalidated signal will be emitted with the error code TP_QT4_ERROR_OBJECT_REMOVED.

If the channel dispatcher crashes or exits, the invalidated signal will be emitted with the error code TP_QT4_DBUS_ERROR_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER. In a high-quality implementation, the dispatcher should be restarted, at which point it will create new channel dispatch operations for any undispatched channels, and the approver will be notified again.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::~ChannelDispatchOperation (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::ChannelDispatchOperation ( const QDBusConnection bus,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties,
const QList< ChannelPtr > &  initialChannels,
const AccountFactoryConstPtr &  accountFactory,
const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &  connectionFactory,
const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &  channelFactory,
const ContactFactoryConstPtr &  contactFactory  
) [protected]

Construct a new channel dispatch operation object using the given bus, the given factories and the given initial channels.

bus  QDBusConnection to use
objectPath  The channel dispatch operation object path.
immutableProperties  The channel dispatch operation immutable properties.
initialChannels  The channels this CDO has initially (further tracking is done internally).
accountFactory  The account factory to use.
connectionFactory  The connection factory to use.
channelFactory  The channel factory to use.
contactFactory  The contact factory to use.

Member Function Documentation

ChannelDispatchOperationPtr Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::create ( const QDBusConnection bus,
const QString objectPath,
const QVariantMap &  immutableProperties,
const QList< ChannelPtr > &  initialChannels,
const AccountFactoryConstPtr &  accountFactory,
const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &  connectionFactory,
const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &  channelFactory,
const ContactFactoryConstPtr &  contactFactory  
) [static]

Create a new channel dispatch operation object using the given bus, the given factories and the given initial channels.

bus  QDBusConnection to use.
objectPath  The channel dispatch operation object path.
immutableProperties  The channel dispatch operation immutable properties.
initialChannels  The channels this CDO has initially (further tracking is done internally).
accountFactory  The account factory to use.
connectionFactory  The connection factory to use.
channelFactory  The channel factory to use.
contactFactory  The contact factory to use.
A ChannelDispatchOperationPtr object pointing to the newly created ChannelDispatchOperation object.
ConnectionPtr Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::connection (  )  const

Return the connection with which the channels for this dispatch operation are associated.

This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.

A pointer to the Connection object.
AccountPtr Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::account (  )  const

Return the account with which the connection and channels for this dispatch operation are associated.

This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.

A pointer to the Account object.
QList< ChannelPtr > Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::channels (  )  const

Return the channels to be dispatched.

This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.

A list of pointers to Channel objects.
QStringList Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::possibleHandlers (  )  const

Return the well known bus names (starting with org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.) of the possible Handlers for this dispatch operation channels with the preferred handlers first.

As a result, approvers should use the first handler by default, unless they have a reason to do otherwise.

This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.

List of possible handlers names.
PendingOperation * Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::handleWith ( const QString handler  ) 

Called by an approver to accept a channel bundle and request that the given handler be used to handle it.

If successful, this method will cause the ChannelDispatchOperation object to disappear, emitting invalidated with error TP_QT4_ERROR_OBJECT_REMOVED.

However, this method may fail because the dispatch has already been completed and the object has already gone. If this occurs, it indicates that another approver has asked for the bundle to be handled by a particular handler. The approver must not attempt to interact with the channels further in this case, unless it is separately invoked as the handler.

Approvers which are also channel handlers should use claim() instead of this method to request that they can handle a channel bundle themselves.

handler  The well-known bus name (starting with org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.) of the channel handler that should handle the channel, or an empty string if the client has no preferred channel handler.
A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
PendingOperation * Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::claim (  ) 

Called by an approver to claim channels for handling internally. If this method is called successfully, the process calling this method becomes the handler for the channel, but does not have the AbstractClientHandler::handleChannels() method called on it.

Clients that call claim() on channels but do not immediately close them should implement the AbstractClientHandler interface.

Approvers wishing to reject channels must call this method to claim ownership of them, and must not call requestClose() on the channels unless/until this method returns successfully.

The channel dispatcher can't know how best to close arbitrary channel types, so it leaves it up to the approver to do so. For instance, for text channels it is necessary to acknowledge any messages that have already been displayed to the user first - ideally, the approver would display and then acknowledge the messages - or to call Channel::requestClose() if the destructive behaviour of that method is desired.

Similarly, an approver for streamed media channels can close the channel with a reason (e.g. "busy") if desired. The channel dispatcher, which is designed to have no specific knowledge of particular channel types, can't do that.

If successful, this method will cause the ChannelDispatchOperation object to disappear, emitting Finished, in the same way as for handleWith().

This method may fail because the dispatch operation has already been completed. Again, see handleWith() for more details. The approver must not attempt to interact with the channels further in this case.

A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished when the call has finished.
void Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::channelLost ( const Tp::ChannelPtr &  channel,
const QString errorName,
const QString errorMessage  
) [signal]
Client::ChannelDispatchOperationInterface * Tp::ChannelDispatchOperation::baseInterface (  )  const [protected]

Return the ChannelDispatchOperationInterface for this ChannelDispatchOperation class. This method is protected since the convenience methods provided by this class should always be used instead of the interface by users of the class.

A pointer to the existing Client::ChannelDispatchOperationInterface object for this ChannelDispatchOperation object.

Member Data Documentation

Feature representing the core that needs to become ready to make the ChannelDispatchOperation object usable.

Note that this feature must be enabled in order to use most ChannelDispatchOperation methods.

When calling isReady(), becomeReady(), this feature is implicitly added to the requested features.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5