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Tp::StatelessDBusProxy Class Reference

The StatelessDBusProxy class is a base class representing a remote object whose API is basically stateless. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/DBusProxy>

Inherits Tp::DBusProxy.

Inherited by Tp::Account, Tp::AccountManager, and Tp::ConnectionManager.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The StatelessDBusProxy class is a base class representing a remote object whose API is basically stateless.

These objects can remain valid even if the service providing them exits and is restarted.

Examples include the AccountManager, Account and ConnectionManager.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::StatelessDBusProxy::StatelessDBusProxy ( const QDBusConnection dbusConnection,
const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
const Feature featureCore  

Construct a new StatelessDBusProxy object.

dbusConnection  QDBusConnection to use.
busName  D-Bus bus name of the service that provides the remote object.
objectPath  The object path.
featureCore  The object core feature.
Tp::StatelessDBusProxy::~StatelessDBusProxy (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

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Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5