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Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface Class Reference
[Connection proxies]

#include <TelepathyQt4/Connection>

Inherits Tp::AbstractInterface.

List of all members.

Public Slots


Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description

Proxy class providing a 1:1 mapping of the D-Bus interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence."

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface ( const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
QObject parent = 0  

Creates a ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface associated with the given object on the session bus.

busName  Name of the service the object is on.
objectPath  Path to the object on the service.
parent  Passed to the parent class constructor.
Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface ( const QDBusConnection connection,
const QString busName,
const QString objectPath,
QObject parent = 0  

Creates a ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface associated with the given object on the given bus.

connection  The bus via which the object can be reached.
busName  Name of the service the object is on.
objectPath  Path to the object on the service.
parent  Passed to the parent class constructor.
Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface ( Tp::DBusProxy proxy  ) 

Creates a ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy.

proxy  The proxy to use. It will also be the QObject::parent() for this object.
Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface ( const Tp::Client::ConnectionInterface mainInterface  )  [explicit]

Creates a ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy. Additionally, the created proxy will have the same parent as the given proxy.

mainInterface  The proxy to use.
Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface ( const Tp::Client::ConnectionInterface mainInterface,
QObject parent  

Creates a ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface associated with the same object as the given proxy. However, a different parent object can be specified.

mainInterface  The proxy to use.
parent  Passed to the parent class constructor.

Member Function Documentation

static QLatin1String Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::staticInterfaceName (  )  [inline, static]

Returns the name of the interface "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.SimplePresence", which this class represents.

The D-Bus interface name.
Tp::PendingVariant* Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::requestPropertyStatuses (  )  const [inline]

Asynchronous getter for the remote object property Statuses of type Tp::SimpleStatusSpecMap.

A dictionary where the keys are the presence statuses that are available on this connection, and the values are the corresponding presence types.

While the connection is in the DISCONNECTED state, it contains the set of presence statuses allowed to be set before connecting. The connection manager will attempt to set the appropriate status when the connection becomes connected, but cannot necessarily guarantee it. The available statuses cannot change until the connection status changes, so there is no change notification.

While the connection is in the CONNECTED state, this property contains the set of presence statuses which are actually available on this protocol. This set is constant for the remaining lifetime of the connection, so again, there is no change notification.

While the connection is in the CONNECTING state, the value of this property is undefined and SHOULD NOT be used. It can change at any time without notification (in particular, any cached values from when the connection was in the DISCONNECTED or CONNECTING state MUST NOT be assumed to still be correct when the state has become CONNECTED).

This property MUST include the special statuses "unknown" and "error" if and only if the connection manager can emit them as a contact's status.

For instance, connection managers for local-xmpp (XEP-0174) would omit "unknown" since there is no such concept.
A pending variant which will emit finished when the property has been retrieved.
Tp::PendingVariantMap* Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::requestAllProperties (  )  const [inline]

Request all of the DBus properties on the interface.

A pending variant map which will emit finished when the properties have been retrieved.
QDBusPendingReply Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::SetPresence ( const QString status,
const QString statusMessage,
int  timeout = -1  
) [inline, slot]

Begins a call to the D-Bus method SetPresence on the remote object.

Request that the presence status and status message are published for the connection. Changes will be indicated by PresencesChanged() signals being emitted.

This method may be called on a newly-created connection while it is still in the DISCONNECTED state, to request that when the connection connects, it will do so with the selected status.

In DISCONNECTED state the Statuses property will indicate which statuses are allowed to be set while DISCONNECTED (none, if the Connection Manager doesn't allow this). This value MUST NOT be cached, as the set of allowed presences might change upon connecting.

Note that timeout is ignored as of now. It will be used once http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-11775 is fixed.


The string identifier of the desired status. Possible status identifiers are defined in the Statuses property.

Clients MUST NOT set a status whose string value they do not recognise, even if its presence type in Statuses matches what the user requested.

Suppose a protocol has statuses that include 'phone' (of type BUSY) and 'in-a-meeting' (of type BUSY), but there is no generic 'busy' status.

If the user requests "Busy" status from a menu, a client author might be tempted to pick an arbitrary status that has type BUSY. However, on this protocol, neither of the choices would be appropriate, and incorrect information about the user would be conveyed.

Statuses whose Connection_Presence_Type is Offline, Error or Unknown MUST NOT be passed to this function. Connection managers SHOULD reject these statuses.

To go offline, call ConnectionInterface::Disconnect() instead. The "error" and "unknown" statuses make no sense.

statusMessage  The status message associated with the current status.
timeout  The timeout in milliseconds.
QDBusPendingReply<Tp::SimpleContactPresences> Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::GetPresences ( const Tp::UIntList contacts,
int  timeout = -1  
) [inline, slot]

Begins a call to the D-Bus method GetPresences on the remote object.

Get presence previously emitted by PresencesChanged for the given contacts. Data is returned in the same structure as the PresencesChanged signal; no additional network requests are made.

Note that timeout is ignored as of now. It will be used once http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-11775 is fixed.

contacts  An array of the contacts whose presence should be obtained.
timeout  The timeout in milliseconds.

Presence information in the same format as for the PresencesChanged() signal. The returned mapping MUST include an entry for each contact in the method's argument.

The definition of the connection presence types Unknown and Offline means that if a connection manager will return Unknown for contacts not on the subscribe list, it MUST delay the reply to this method call until it has found out which contacts are, in fact, on the subscribe list.

void Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::PresencesChanged ( const Tp::SimpleContactPresences presence  )  [signal]

Represents the signal PresencesChanged on the remote object.

This signal should be emitted when your own presence has been changed, or the presence of the member of any of the connection's channels has been changed.

presence  A dictionary of contact handles mapped to the status, presence type and status message.
void Tp::Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface::invalidate ( Tp::DBusProxy proxy,
const QString error,
const QString message  
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from Tp::AbstractInterface.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5