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Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails Class Reference
[Connection proxies]

The Connection::ErrorDetails class represents the details of a connection error. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/Connection>

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Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The Connection::ErrorDetails class represents the details of a connection error.

It contains detailed information about the reason for the connection going invalidated().

Some services may provide additional error information in the ConnectionError D-Bus signal, when a Connection is disconnected / has become unusable. If the service didn't provide any, or has not been invalidated yet, the instance will be invalid, as returned by isValid().

The information provided by invalidationReason() and this class should always be used in error handling in preference to statusReason(). The status reason can be used as a fallback, however, if the client doesn't understand what a particular value returned by invalidationReason() means, as it may be domain-specific with some services.

Connection::errorDetails() can be used to return the instance containing the details for invalidating that connection after invalidated() has been emitted.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::ErrorDetails (  ) 

Constructs a new invalid ErrorDetails instance.

Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::ErrorDetails ( const QVariantMap &  details  ) 

Construct a error details instance with the given details. The instance will indicate that it is valid.

Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::ErrorDetails ( const ErrorDetails other  ) 

Copy constructor.

Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::~ErrorDetails (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

Connection::ErrorDetails & Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::operator= ( const ErrorDetails other  ) 

Assigns all information (validity, details) from other to this.

bool Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::isValid (  )  const [inline]

Return whether or not the details are valid (have actually been received from the service).

true if valid, false otherwise.
bool Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::hasDebugMessage (  )  const [inline]

Return whether or not the details specify a debug message.

If present, the debug message will likely be the same string as the one returned by invalidationMessage().

The debug message is purely informational, offered for display for bug reporting purposes, and should not be attempted to be parsed.

true if debug message is present, false otherwise.
See also:
QString Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::debugMessage (  )  const [inline]

Return the debug message specified by the details, if any.

If present, the debug message will likely be the same string as the one returned by invalidationMessage().

The debug message is purely informational, offered for display for bug reporting purposes, and should not be attempted to be parsed.

The debug message, or an empty string if there is none.
See also:
bool Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::hasServerMessage (  )  const [inline]
QString Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::serverMessage (  )  const [inline]
bool Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::hasUserRequested (  )  const [inline]
bool Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::userRequested (  )  const [inline]
bool Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::hasExpectedHostname (  )  const [inline]
QString Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::expectedHostname (  )  const [inline]
bool Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::hasCertificateHostname (  )  const [inline]
QString Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::certificateHostname (  )  const [inline]
QVariantMap Tp::Connection::ErrorDetails::allDetails (  )  const

Return a map containing all details given in the low-level ConnectionError signal.

This is useful for accessing domain-specific additional details.

The details of the connection error as QVariantMap.

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Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5