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Tp::ReceivedMessage Class Reference
[Channel proxies]

The ReceivedMessage class is a subclass of Message, representing a received message only. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/ReceivedMessage>

Inherits Tp::Message.

List of all members.


Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The ReceivedMessage class is a subclass of Message, representing a received message only.

It contains additional information that's generally only available on received messages.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ReceivedMessage::ReceivedMessage ( const ReceivedMessage other  ) 

Copy constructor.

Tp::ReceivedMessage::~ReceivedMessage (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

ReceivedMessage & Tp::ReceivedMessage::operator= ( const ReceivedMessage other  ) 

Assignment operator.

QDateTime Tp::ReceivedMessage::received (  )  const

Return the time the message was received.

The timestamp as QDateTime, or QDateTime() if unknown.
ContactPtr Tp::ReceivedMessage::sender (  )  const

Return the contact who sent the message.

A pointer to the Contact object.
See also:
QString Tp::ReceivedMessage::senderNickname (  )  const

Return the nickname chosen by the sender of the message, which can be different for each message in a conversation.

The nickname.
See also:
QString Tp::ReceivedMessage::supersededToken (  )  const

If this message replaces a previous message, return the value of messageToken() for that previous message. Otherwise, return an empty string.

For instance, a user interface could replace the superseded message with this message, or grey out the superseded message.

The message token of the superseded message or an empty string if none.
bool Tp::ReceivedMessage::isScrollback (  )  const

Return whether the incoming message was part of a replay of message history.

If true, loggers can use this to improve their heuristics for elimination of duplicate messages (a simple, correct implementation would be to avoid logging any message that has this flag).

true if the scrollback flag is set, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ReceivedMessage::isRescued (  )  const

Return whether the incoming message was seen in a previous channel during the lifetime of the connection, but was not acknowledged before that channel closed, causing the channel in which it now appears to open.

If true, loggers should not log this message again.

true if the rescued flag is set, false otherwise.
bool Tp::ReceivedMessage::isDeliveryReport (  )  const

Return whether the incoming message is a delivery report.

true if a delivery report, false otherwise.
See also:
ReceivedMessage::DeliveryDetails Tp::ReceivedMessage::deliveryDetails (  )  const

Return the details of a delivery report.

This method should only be used if isDeliveryReport() returns true.

The delivery report as a ReceivedMessage::DeliveryDetails object.
See also:
bool Tp::ReceivedMessage::isFromChannel ( const TextChannelPtr &  channel  )  const

Return whether this message is from channel.

true if the message is from channel, false otherwise.

Copyright © 2008-2011 Collabora Ltd. and Nokia Corporation
Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5