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Tp::Profile::Parameter Class Reference
[Utililty classes]

The Profile::Parameter class represents a parameter defined in .profile files. More...

#include <TelepathyQt4/Profile>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

The Profile::Parameter class represents a parameter defined in .profile files.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::Profile::Parameter::Parameter (  ) 

Construct a new Profile::Parameter object.

Tp::Profile::Parameter::Parameter ( const Parameter other  ) 

Construct a new Profile::Parameter object that is a copy of other.

Tp::Profile::Parameter::Parameter ( const QString name,
const QDBusSignature dbusSignature,
const QVariant value,
const QString label,
bool  mandatory  

Construct a new Profile::Parameter object.

name  The parameter name.
dbusSignature  The parameter D-Bus signature.
value  The parameter value.
label  The parameter label.
mandatory  Whether this parameter is mandatory.
Tp::Profile::Parameter::~Parameter (  ) 

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

QString Tp::Profile::Parameter::name (  )  const

Return the name of this parameter.

The name of this parameter.
QDBusSignature Tp::Profile::Parameter::dbusSignature (  )  const

Return the D-Bus signature of this parameter.

The D-Bus signature of this parameter.
QVariant::Type Tp::Profile::Parameter::type (  )  const

Return the QVariant::Type of this parameter, constructed using dbusSignature().

The QVariant::Type of this parameter.
QVariant Tp::Profile::Parameter::value (  )  const

Return the value of this parameter.

If mandatory() returns true, the value must not be modified and should be used as is when creating accounts for this profile.

The value of this parameter.
QString Tp::Profile::Parameter::label (  )  const

Return the human-readable label of this parameter.

The human-readable label of this parameter.
bool Tp::Profile::Parameter::isMandatory (  )  const

Return whether this parameter is mandatory, or whether the value returned by value() should be used as is when creating accounts for this profile.

true if mandatory, otherwise false.
Profile::Parameter & Tp::Profile::Parameter::operator= ( const Parameter other  ) 

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Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5