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Tp::ReadyObject Class Reference

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Inherited by Tp::DBusProxy, Tp::ProfileManager, and Tp::StreamedMediaStream [private].

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Protected Member Functions

Detailed Description


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Tp::ReadyObject::ReadyObject ( RefCounted object,
const Feature featureCore  

Construct a new ReadyObject object.

object  The RefCounted the object refers to.
featureCore  The core feature of the object.
Tp::ReadyObject::ReadyObject ( DBusProxy proxy,
const Feature featureCore  

Construct a new ReadyObject object.

proxy  The DBusProxy the object refers to.
featureCore  The core feature of the object.
Tp::ReadyObject::~ReadyObject (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

bool Tp::ReadyObject::isReady ( const Features features = Features()  )  const [virtual]

Return whether this object has finished its initial setup.

This is mostly useful as a sanity check, in code that shouldn't be run until the object is ready. To wait for the object to be ready, call becomeReady() and connect to the finished signal on the result.

features  The features which should be tested
true if the object has finished its initial setup for basic functionality plus the given features
PendingReady * Tp::ReadyObject::becomeReady ( const Features requestedFeatures = Features()  )  [virtual]

Return a pending operation which will succeed when this object finishes its initial setup, or will fail if a fatal error occurs during this initial setup.

If an empty set is used FeatureCore will be considered as the requested feature.

requestedFeatures  The features which should be enabled
A PendingReady object which will emit finished when this object has finished or failed initial setup for basic functionality plus the given features
Features Tp::ReadyObject::requestedFeatures (  )  const [virtual]
Features Tp::ReadyObject::actualFeatures (  )  const [virtual]
Features Tp::ReadyObject::missingFeatures (  )  const [virtual]
ReadinessHelper * Tp::ReadyObject::readinessHelper (  )  const [protected]

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