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Tp::Profile Member List

This is the complete list of members for Tp::Profile, including all inherited members.
allowOtherPresences() const Tp::Profile
cmName() const Tp::Profile
createForFileName(const QString &fileName) Tp::Profile [static]
createForServiceName(const QString &serviceName) Tp::Profile [static]
deref() const Tp::RefCounted [inline]
hasParameter(const QString &name) const Tp::Profile
hasPresence(const QString &id) const Tp::Profile
iconName() const Tp::Profile
isFake() const Tp::Profile
isValid() const Tp::Profile
name() const Tp::Profile
parameter(const QString &name) const Tp::Profile
ParameterList typedef Tp::Profile
parameters() const Tp::Profile
presence(const QString &id) const Tp::Profile
PresenceList typedef Tp::Profile
presences() const Tp::Profile
protocolName() const Tp::Profile
provider() const Tp::Profile
ref() const Tp::RefCounted [inline]
RefCounted() Tp::RefCounted [inline]
serviceName() const Tp::Profile
strongref Tp::RefCounted [mutable]
type() const Tp::Profile
unsupportedChannelClassSpecs() const Tp::Profile
~Profile() Tp::Profile
~RefCounted() Tp::RefCounted [inline, virtual]

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