QML ButtonColumn Element

A column of buttons with proper look and feel. More...

Inherits Column

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

A ButtonColumn allows you to group Buttons in a column. It provides a selection-behavior as well.

Note: This component do not support the enabled property. If you need to disable it you must disable all the buttons inside it.

 ButtonColumn {
     Button { text: "Top" }
     Button { text: "Bottom" }

See also ButtonRow.

Property Documentation

checkedButton : Item

Contains the last checked Button.

exclusive : bool

Property default is true.

Specifies the grouping behavior. If exclusive is true, only one button can be checked at a time.

platformStyle : Style

Platform specific style property. Default style is null. ButtonStyle is used to define custom button styles in ButtonColumn.

See also ButtonStyle.