QML ScrollDecorator Element

Adds visual indication on the position of a contents of Flickable with relation to its viewport. More...

Inherits Item

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

ScrollDecorators are used with Flickables as well as Flickable derived items, such as ListViews, or GridViews. A ScrollDecorator should be a sibling of the Flickable it is attached to. It is implicitely anchored to its Flickable.

Example Usage

 Item {
     x: 10
     width: 400
     anchors.top: parent.top
     anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

     ListView {
         id: list
         anchors.fill: parent

     ScrollDecorator { flickableItem: list }

Property Documentation

flickableItem : Flickable

The Flickable Item that shows the ScrollDecorator.

platformStyle : Flickable

Platform specific styling