QML SipAttributes Element

The SipAttributes item is used to control software input panel attributes. More...

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

The SipAttributes item is used to control software input panel attributes. There are currently 4 attributes and they are used to control the action key (return key) in a following manner:

 SipAttributes {
     id: sipAttributes
     actionKeyLabel: "custom"
     actionKeyIcon: "/path/to/icon.svg"
     actionKeyHighlighted: true
     actionKeyEnabled: true
 TextField {
     platformSipAttributes: sipAttributes

Property Documentation

actionKeyEnabled : bool

If true, the action key to be enabled.

actionKeyHighlighted : bool

If true, the action key to be highlighted.

actionKeyIcon : QString

Set to replace the action key label with an icon from given file path.

actionKeyLabel : QString

Set to override the action key label.