Component List

QML BusyIndicator Element

An indicator component that shows progress of a task of unknown duration.

QML BusyIndicatorStyle Element

BusyIndicatorStyle properties and default values explained

QML Button Element

A Button component has a label and click event handling.

QML ButtonColumn Element

A column of buttons with proper look and feel.

QML ButtonRow Element

A container for row of buttons.

QML ButtonStyle Element

ButtonStyle properties and default values explained

QML CheckBox Element

Component to express a boolean choice.

QML ContextMenu Element

A Context Menu component for selecting a menu item from a list of menu items.

QML ContextMenuStyle Element

ContextMenuStyle properties and default values explained

QML Dialog Element

Generic dialog component for creating custom dialogs.

QML LabelStyle Element

LabelStyle properties and default values explained

QML Menu Element

Menu component for selecting a menu item from a list of menu items.

QML MenuItem Element

One menu item that is provided inside the menu.

QML MenuLayout Element

Provides layout that is used to present the menu items inside a menu.

QML MenuStyle Element

BusyIndicatorStyle properties and default values explained

QML MultiSelectionDialog Element

Selection dialog to pick multiple items at once.

QML Page Element

A base container for one page.

QML PageStack Element

PageStack implements common stack-based navigation model

QML PageStackWindow Element

Default window for all MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan applications

QML PageStackWindowStyle Element

PageStackWindowStyle properties and default values explained

QML PlatformWindow Element

Global properties about application status

QML ProgressBar Element

Indicates work happening in the program.

QML QueryDialog Element

Dialog to query simple questions.

QML RadioButton Element

Component to express a boolean choose.

QML RadioButtonStyle Element

RadioButtonStyle properties and default values explained

QML Screen Element

Screen is a class that gives you physical information about the display of the device and its orientation.

QML ScrollDecorator Element

Adds visual indication on the position of a contents of Flickable with relation to its viewport.

QML SectionScroller Element

Helps user to scroll a one section of a long list at a time.

QML SelectionDialog Element

Single selection dialog.

QML Sheet Element

Dialog type of container

QML SheetButton Element

Convience class for buttons in Sheet.

QML SipAttributes Element

The SipAttributes item is used to control software input panel attributes.

QML Slider Element

Component for selecting a value in a given range.

QML SliderStyle Element

SliderStyle properties and default values explained.

QML Switch Element

Component for On/Off selection

QML SwitchStyle Element

SwitchStyle properties and default values explained.

QML TabButton Element

Button Component for TabBars

QML TabGroup Element

Defines a set of tabs shown on one page.

QML TextArea Element

The TextArea item displays multiple lines of editable formatted text

QML TextField Element

The TextField element displays a single line of editable plain text

QML Theme Element

Theme is a class that gives you information about inverted theming and possibility to affect inverted state.

QML ToolBar Element

Styled tool item container with page synchronized transitions

QML ToolBarLayout Element

container for items shown in toolbar.

QML ToolBarStyle Element

ToolBarStyle properties and default values explained.

QML ToolButton Element

Push-button style component intended for use with toolbars

QML ToolIcon Element

Button-like component showing icon

QML ToolItemStyle Element

ToolItemStyle properties and default values explained.

QML Window Element

Root container for any application