QWebPage Class Reference

The QWebPage class provides an object to view and edit web documents. More...

 #include <QWebPage>

Inherits: QObject.

This class was introduced in Qt 4.4.

Public Types

class ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption
class ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn
class ErrorPageExtensionOption
class ErrorPageExtensionReturn
class ExtensionOption
class ExtensionReturn
enum ErrorDomain { QtNetwork, Http, WebKit }
enum Extension { ChooseMultipleFilesExtension, ErrorPageExtension }
enum FindFlag { FindBackward, FindCaseSensitively, FindWrapsAroundDocument, HighlightAllOccurrences }
flags FindFlags
enum LinkDelegationPolicy { DontDelegateLinks, DelegateExternalLinks, DelegateAllLinks }
enum NavigationType { NavigationTypeLinkClicked, NavigationTypeFormSubmitted, NavigationTypeBackOrForward, NavigationTypeReload, NavigationTypeFormResubmitted, NavigationTypeOther }
enum WebAction { NoWebAction, OpenLink, OpenLinkInNewWindow, OpenFrameInNewWindow, ..., AlignRight }
enum WebWindowType { WebBrowserWindow, WebModalDialog }


  • 1 property inherited from QObject

Public Functions

QWebPage ( QObject * parent = 0 )
~QWebPage ()
QAction * action ( WebAction action ) const
quint64 bytesReceived () const
QMenu * createStandardContextMenu ()
QWebFrame * currentFrame () const
virtual bool extension ( Extension extension, const ExtensionOption * option = 0, ExtensionReturn * output = 0 )
bool findText ( const QString & subString, FindFlags options = 0 )
bool focusNextPrevChild ( bool next )
bool forwardUnsupportedContent () const
QWebFrame * frameAt ( const QPoint & pos ) const
QWebHistory * history () const
QVariant inputMethodQuery ( Qt::InputMethodQuery property ) const
bool isContentEditable () const
bool isModified () const
LinkDelegationPolicy linkDelegationPolicy () const
QWebFrame * mainFrame () const
QNetworkAccessManager * networkAccessManager () const
QPalette palette () const
QWebPluginFactory * pluginFactory () const
QSize preferredContentsSize () const
QString selectedText () const
void setContentEditable ( bool editable )
void setForwardUnsupportedContent ( bool forward )
void setLinkDelegationPolicy ( LinkDelegationPolicy policy )
void setNetworkAccessManager ( QNetworkAccessManager * manager )
void setPalette ( const QPalette & palette )
void setPluginFactory ( QWebPluginFactory * factory )
void setPreferredContentsSize ( const QSize & size ) const
void setView ( QWidget * view )
void setViewportSize ( const QSize & size ) const
QWebSettings * settings () const
virtual bool supportsExtension ( Extension extension ) const
bool swallowContextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * event )
quint64 totalBytes () const
virtual void triggerAction ( WebAction action, bool checked = false )
QUndoStack * undoStack () const
void updatePositionDependentActions ( const QPoint & pos )
QWidget * view () const
QSize viewportSize () const

Reimplemented Public Functions

virtual bool event ( QEvent * ev )
  • 29 public functions inherited from QObject

Public Slots

bool shouldInterruptJavaScript ()
  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject


void contentsChanged ()
void databaseQuotaExceeded ( QWebFrame * frame, QString databaseName )
void downloadRequested ( const QNetworkRequest & request )
void frameCreated ( QWebFrame * frame )
void geometryChangeRequested ( const QRect & geom )
void linkClicked ( const QUrl & url )
void linkHovered ( const QString & link, const QString & title, const QString & textContent )
void loadFinished ( bool ok )
void loadProgress ( int progress )
void loadStarted ()
void menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested ( bool visible )
void microFocusChanged ()
void printRequested ( QWebFrame * frame )
void repaintRequested ( const QRect & dirtyRect )
void restoreFrameStateRequested ( QWebFrame * frame )
void saveFrameStateRequested ( QWebFrame * frame, QWebHistoryItem * item )
void scrollRequested ( int dx, int dy, const QRect & rectToScroll )
void selectionChanged ()
void statusBarMessage ( const QString & text )
void statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested ( bool visible )
void toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested ( bool visible )
void unsupportedContent ( QNetworkReply * reply )
void windowCloseRequested ()

Protected Functions

virtual bool acceptNavigationRequest ( QWebFrame * frame, const QNetworkRequest & request, NavigationType type )
virtual QString chooseFile ( QWebFrame * parentFrame, const QString & suggestedFile )
virtual QObject * createPlugin ( const QString & classid, const QUrl & url, const QStringList & paramNames, const QStringList & paramValues )
virtual QWebPage * createWindow ( WebWindowType type )
virtual void javaScriptAlert ( QWebFrame * frame, const QString & msg )
virtual bool javaScriptConfirm ( QWebFrame * frame, const QString & msg )
virtual void javaScriptConsoleMessage ( const QString & message, int lineNumber, const QString & sourceID )
virtual bool javaScriptPrompt ( QWebFrame * frame, const QString & msg, const QString & defaultValue, QString * result )
virtual QString userAgentForUrl ( const QUrl & url ) const
  • 7 protected functions inherited from QObject

Related Non-Members

int qWebKitMajorVersion ()
int qWebKitMinorVersion ()
QString qWebKitVersion ()



Additional Inherited Members

  • 5 static public members inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QWebPage class provides an object to view and edit web documents.

QWebPage holds a main frame responsible for web content, settings, the history of navigated links and actions. This class can be used, together with QWebFrame, to provide functionality like QWebView in a widget-less environment.

QWebPage's API is very similar to QWebView, as you are still provided with common functions like action() (known as pageAction() in QWebView), triggerAction(), findText() and settings(). More QWebView-like functions can be found in the main frame of QWebPage, obtained via the mainFrame() function. For example, the load(), setUrl() and setHtml() functions for QWebPage can be accessed using QWebFrame.

The loadStarted() signal is emitted when the page begins to load.The loadProgress() signal, on the other hand, is emitted whenever an element of the web page completes loading, such as an embedded image, a script, etc. Finally, the loadFinished() signal is emitted when the page contents are loaded completely, independent of script execution or page rendering. Its argument, either true or false, indicates whether or not the load operation succeeded.

Using QWebPage in a Widget-less Environment

Before you begin painting a QWebPage object, you need to set the size of the viewport by calling setViewportSize(). Then, you invoke the main frame's render function (QWebFrame::render()). An example of this is shown in the code snippet below.

Suppose we have a Thumbnail class as follows:

 class Thumbnailer : public QObject

     Thumbnailer(const QUrl &url);

     void finished();

 private slots:
     void render();

     QWebPage page;


The Thumbnail's constructor takes in a url. We connect our QWebPage object's loadFinished() signal to our private slot, render().

 Thumbnailer::Thumbnailer(const QUrl &url)
     connect(&page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)),
         this, SLOT(render()));

The render() function shows how we can paint a thumbnail using a QWebPage object.

 void Thumbnailer::render()
     QImage image(page.viewportSize(), QImage::Format_ARGB32);
     QPainter painter(&image);


     QImage thumbnail = image.scaled(400, 400);

     emit finished();

We begin by setting the viewportSize and then we instantiate a QImage object, image, with the same size as our viewportSize. This image is then sent as a parameter to painter. Next, we render the contents of the main frame and its subframes into painter. Finally, we save the scaled image.

See also QWebFrame.

Member Type Documentation

enum QWebPage::ErrorDomain

This enum describes the domain of an ErrorPageExtensionOption object (i.e. the layer in which the error occurred).

Constant Value Description
QWebPage::QtNetwork 0 The error occurred in the QtNetwork layer; the error code is of type QNetworkReply::NetworkError.
QWebPage::Http 1 The error occurred in the HTTP layer; the error code is a HTTP status code (see QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).
QWebPage::WebKit 2 The error is an internal WebKit error.

This enum was introduced or modified in Qt 4.6.

enum QWebPage::Extension

This enum describes the types of extensions that the page can support. Before using these extensions, you should verify that the extension is supported by calling supportsExtension().

Constant Value Description
QWebPage::ChooseMultipleFilesExtension 0 Whether the web page supports multiple file selection. This extension is invoked when the web content requests one or more file names, for example as a result of the user clicking on a "file upload" button in a HTML form where multiple file selection is allowed.
QWebPage::ErrorPageExtension 1 Whether the web page can provide an error page when loading fails. (introduced in Qt 4.6)

See also ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption, ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn, ErrorPageExtensionOption, and ErrorPageExtensionReturn.

enum QWebPage::FindFlag
flags QWebPage::FindFlags

This enum describes the options available to the findText() function. The options can be OR-ed together from the following list:

Constant Value Description
QWebPage::FindBackward 1 Searches backwards instead of forwards.
QWebPage::FindCaseSensitively 2 By default findText() works case insensitive. Specifying this option changes the behaviour to a case sensitive find operation.
QWebPage::FindWrapsAroundDocument 4 Makes findText() restart from the beginning of the document if the end was reached and the text was not found.
QWebPage::HighlightAllOccurrences 8 Highlights all existing occurrences of a specific string.

The FindFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<FindFlag>. It stores an OR combination of FindFlag values.

enum QWebPage::LinkDelegationPolicy

This enum defines the delegation policies a webpage can have when activating links and emitting the linkClicked() signal.

Constant Value Description
QWebPage::DontDelegateLinks 0 No links are delegated. Instead, QWebPage tries to handle them all.
QWebPage::DelegateExternalLinks 1 When activating links that point to documents not stored on the local filesystem or an equivalent - such as the Qt resource system - then linkClicked() is emitted.
QWebPage::DelegateAllLinks 2 Whenever a link is activated the linkClicked() signal is emitted.

See also QWebPage::linkDelegationPolicy.

enum QWebPage::NavigationType

This enum describes the types of navigation available when browsing through hyperlinked documents.

Constant Value Description
QWebPage::NavigationTypeLinkClicked 0 The user clicked on a link or pressed return on a focused link.
QWebPage::NavigationTypeFormSubmitted 1 The user activated a submit button for an HTML form.
QWebPage::NavigationTypeBackOrForward 2 Navigation to a previously shown document in the back or forward history is requested.
QWebPage::NavigationTypeReload 3 The user activated the reload action.
QWebPage::NavigationTypeFormResubmitted 4 An HTML form was submitted a second time.
QWebPage::NavigationTypeOther 5 A navigation to another document using a method not listed above.

See also acceptNavigationRequest().

enum QWebPage::WebAction

This enum describes the types of action which can be performed on the web page.

Actions only have an effect when they are applicable. The availability of actions can be be determined by checking isEnabled() on the action returned by action().

One method of enabling the text editing, cursor movement, and text selection actions is by setting contentEditable to true.

Constant Value Description
QWebPage::NoWebAction -1 No action is triggered.
QWebPage::OpenLink 0 Open the current link.
QWebPage::OpenLinkInNewWindow 1 Open the current link in a new window.
QWebPage::OpenFrameInNewWindow 2 Replicate the current frame in a new window.
QWebPage::DownloadLinkToDisk 3 Download the current link to the disk.
QWebPage::CopyLinkToClipboard 4 Copy the current link to the clipboard.
QWebPage::OpenImageInNewWindow 5 Open the highlighted image in a new window.
QWebPage::DownloadImageToDisk 6 Download the highlighted image to the disk.
QWebPage::CopyImageToClipboard 7 Copy the highlighted image to the clipboard.
QWebPage::Back 8 Navigate back in the history of navigated links.
QWebPage::Forward 9 Navigate forward in the history of navigated links.
QWebPage::Stop 10 Stop loading the current page.
QWebPage::StopScheduledPageRefresh 67 Stop all pending page refresh/redirect requests.
QWebPage::Reload 11 Reload the current page.
QWebPage::ReloadAndBypassCache 53 Reload the current page, but do not use any local cache. (Added in Qt 4.6)
QWebPage::Cut 12 Cut the content currently selected into the clipboard.
QWebPage::Copy 13 Copy the content currently selected into the clipboard.
QWebPage::Paste 14 Paste content from the clipboard.
QWebPage::Undo 15 Undo the last editing action.
QWebPage::Redo 16 Redo the last editing action.
QWebPage::MoveToNextChar 17 Move the cursor to the next character.
QWebPage::MoveToPreviousChar 18 Move the cursor to the previous character.
QWebPage::MoveToNextWord 19 Move the cursor to the next word.
QWebPage::MoveToPreviousWord 20 Move the cursor to the previous word.
QWebPage::MoveToNextLine 21 Move the cursor to the next line.
QWebPage::MoveToPreviousLine 22 Move the cursor to the previous line.
QWebPage::MoveToStartOfLine 23 Move the cursor to the start of the line.
QWebPage::MoveToEndOfLine 24 Move the cursor to the end of the line.
QWebPage::MoveToStartOfBlock 25 Move the cursor to the start of the block.
QWebPage::MoveToEndOfBlock 26 Move the cursor to the end of the block.
QWebPage::MoveToStartOfDocument 27 Move the cursor to the start of the document.
QWebPage::MoveToEndOfDocument 28 Move the cursor to the end of the document.
QWebPage::SelectNextChar 29 Select to the next character.
QWebPage::SelectPreviousChar 30 Select to the previous character.
QWebPage::SelectNextWord 31 Select to the next word.
QWebPage::SelectPreviousWord 32 Select to the previous word.
QWebPage::SelectNextLine 33 Select to the next line.
QWebPage::SelectPreviousLine 34 Select to the previous line.
QWebPage::SelectStartOfLine 35 Select to the start of the line.
QWebPage::SelectEndOfLine 36 Select to the end of the line.
QWebPage::SelectStartOfBlock 37 Select to the start of the block.
QWebPage::SelectEndOfBlock 38 Select to the end of the block.
QWebPage::SelectStartOfDocument 39 Select to the start of the document.
QWebPage::SelectEndOfDocument 40 Select to the end of the document.
QWebPage::DeleteStartOfWord 41 Delete to the start of the word.
QWebPage::DeleteEndOfWord 42 Delete to the end of the word.
QWebPage::SetTextDirectionDefault 43 Set the text direction to the default direction.
QWebPage::SetTextDirectionLeftToRight 44 Set the text direction to left-to-right.
QWebPage::SetTextDirectionRightToLeft 45 Set the text direction to right-to-left.
QWebPage::ToggleBold 46 Toggle the formatting between bold and normal weight.
QWebPage::ToggleItalic 47 Toggle the formatting between italic and normal style.
QWebPage::ToggleUnderline 48 Toggle underlining.
QWebPage::InspectElement 49 Show the Web Inspector with the currently highlighted HTML element.
QWebPage::InsertParagraphSeparator 50 Insert a new paragraph.
QWebPage::InsertLineSeparator 51 Insert a new line.
QWebPage::SelectAll 52 Selects all content.
QWebPage::PasteAndMatchStyle 54 Paste content from the clipboard with current style.
QWebPage::RemoveFormat 55 Removes formatting and style.
QWebPage::ToggleStrikethrough 56 Toggle the formatting between strikethrough and normal style.
QWebPage::ToggleSubscript 57 Toggle the formatting between subscript and baseline.
QWebPage::ToggleSuperscript 58 Toggle the formatting between supercript and baseline.
QWebPage::InsertUnorderedList 59 Toggles the selection between an ordered list and a normal block.
QWebPage::InsertOrderedList 60 Toggles the selection between an ordered list and a normal block.
QWebPage::Indent 61 Increases the indentation of the currently selected format block by one increment.
QWebPage::Outdent 62 Decreases the indentation of the currently selected format block by one increment.
QWebPage::AlignCenter 63 Applies center alignment to content.
QWebPage::AlignJustified 64 Applies full justification to content.
QWebPage::AlignLeft 65 Applies left justification to content.
QWebPage::AlignRight 66 Applies right justification to content.

enum QWebPage::WebWindowType

This enum describes the types of window that can be created by the createWindow() function.

Constant Value Description
QWebPage::WebBrowserWindow 0 The window is a regular web browser window.
QWebPage::WebModalDialog 1 The window acts as modal dialog.

Property Documentation

contentEditable : bool

This property holds whether the content in this QWebPage is editable or not.

If this property is enabled the contents of the page can be edited by the user through a visible cursor. If disabled (the default) only HTML elements in the web page with their contenteditable attribute set are editable.

This property was introduced in Qt 4.5.

Access functions:

bool isContentEditable () const
void setContentEditable ( bool editable )

See also modified, contentsChanged(), and WebAction.

forwardUnsupportedContent : bool

This property holds whether QWebPage should forward unsupported content.

If enabled, the unsupportedContent() signal is emitted with a network reply that can be used to read the content.

If disabled, the download of such content is aborted immediately.

By default unsupported content is not forwarded.

Access functions:

bool forwardUnsupportedContent () const
void setForwardUnsupportedContent ( bool forward )

linkDelegationPolicy : LinkDelegationPolicy

This property holds how QWebPage should delegate the handling of links through the linkClicked() signal.

The default is to delegate no links.

Access functions:

LinkDelegationPolicy linkDelegationPolicy () const
void setLinkDelegationPolicy ( LinkDelegationPolicy policy )

modified : const bool

This property holds whether the page contains unsubmitted form data, or the contents have been changed.

By default, this property is false.

Access functions:

bool isModified () const

See also contentsChanged(), contentEditable, and undoStack().

palette : QPalette

This property holds the page's palette.

The base brush of the palette is used to draw the background of the main frame.

By default, this property contains the application's default palette.

Access functions:

QPalette palette () const
void setPalette ( const QPalette & palette )

preferredContentsSize : QSize

This property holds the preferred size of the contents.

If this property is set to a valid size, it is used to lay out the page. If it is not set (the default), the viewport size is used instead.

This property was introduced in Qt 4.6.

Access functions:

QSize preferredContentsSize () const
void setPreferredContentsSize ( const QSize & size ) const

See also viewportSize.

selectedText : const QString

This property holds the text currently selected.

By default, this property contains an empty string.

Access functions:

QString selectedText () const

See also selectionChanged().

viewportSize : QSize

This property holds the size of the viewport.

The size affects for example the visibility of scrollbars if the document is larger than the viewport.

By default, for a newly-created Web page, this property contains a size with zero width and height.

Access functions:

QSize viewportSize () const
void setViewportSize ( const QSize & size ) const

See also QWebFrame::render() and preferredContentsSize.

Member Function Documentation

QWebPage::QWebPage ( QObject * parent = 0 )

Constructs an empty QWebPage with parent parent.

QWebPage::~QWebPage ()

Destroys the web page.

bool QWebPage::acceptNavigationRequest ( QWebFrame * frame, const QNetworkRequest & request, NavigationType type ) [virtual protected]

This function is called whenever WebKit requests to navigate frame to the resource specified by request by means of the specified navigation type type.

If frame is a null pointer then navigation to a new window is requested. If the request is accepted createWindow() will be called.

The default implementation interprets the page's linkDelegationPolicy and emits linkClicked accordingly or returns true to let QWebPage handle the navigation itself.

See also createWindow().

QAction * QWebPage::action ( WebAction action ) const

Returns a QAction for the specified WebAction action.

The action is owned by the QWebPage but you can customize the look by changing its properties.

QWebPage also takes care of implementing the action, so that upon triggering the corresponding action is performed on the page.

See also triggerAction().

quint64 QWebPage::bytesReceived () const

Returns the number of bytes that were received from the network to render the current page.

See also totalBytes() and loadProgress().

QString QWebPage::chooseFile ( QWebFrame * parentFrame, const QString & suggestedFile ) [virtual protected]

This function is called when the web content requests a file name, for example as a result of the user clicking on a "file upload" button in a HTML form.

A suggested filename may be provided in suggestedFile. The frame originating the request is provided as parentFrame.

See also ChooseMultipleFilesExtension.

void QWebPage::contentsChanged () [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the text in form elements changes as well as other editable content.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.5.

See also contentEditable, modified, QWebFrame::toHtml(), and QWebFrame::toPlainText().

QObject * QWebPage::createPlugin ( const QString & classid, const QUrl & url, const QStringList & paramNames, const QStringList & paramValues ) [virtual protected]

This function is called whenever WebKit encounters a HTML object element with type "application/x-qt-plugin". It is called regardless of the value of QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled. The classid, url, paramNames and paramValues correspond to the HTML object element attributes and child elements to configure the embeddable object.

QMenu * QWebPage::createStandardContextMenu ()

This function creates the standard context menu which is shown when the user clicks on the web page with the right mouse button. It is called from the default contextMenuEvent() handler. The popup menu's ownership is transferred to the caller.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.5.

QWebPage * QWebPage::createWindow ( WebWindowType type ) [virtual protected]

This function is called whenever WebKit wants to create a new window of the given type, for example when a JavaScript program requests to open a document in a new window.

If the new window can be created, the new window's QWebPage is returned; otherwise a null pointer is returned.

If the view associated with the web page is a QWebView object, then the default implementation forwards the request to QWebView's createWindow() function; otherwise it returns a null pointer.

If type is WebModalDialog, the application must call setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal) on the new window.

See also acceptNavigationRequest().

QWebFrame * QWebPage::currentFrame () const

Returns the frame currently active.

See also mainFrame() and frameCreated().

void QWebPage::databaseQuotaExceeded ( QWebFrame * frame, QString databaseName ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the web site shown in frame is asking to store data to the database databaseName and the quota allocated to that web site is exceeded.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.5.

See also QWebDatabase.

void QWebPage::downloadRequested ( const QNetworkRequest & request ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when the user decides to download a link. The url of the link as well as additional meta-information is contained in request.

See also unsupportedContent().

bool QWebPage::event ( QEvent * ev ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from QObject::event().

bool QWebPage::extension ( Extension extension, const ExtensionOption * option = 0, ExtensionReturn * output = 0 ) [virtual]

This virtual function can be reimplemented in a QWebPage subclass to provide support for extensions. The option argument is provided as input to the extension; the output results can be stored in output.

The behavior of this function is determined by extension. The option and output values are typically casted to the corresponding types (for example, ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption and ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn for ChooseMultipleFilesExtension).

You can call supportsExtension() to check if an extension is supported by the page.

Returns true if the extension was called successfully; otherwise returns false.

See also supportsExtension() and Extension.

bool QWebPage::findText ( const QString & subString, FindFlags options = 0 )

Finds the specified string, subString, in the page, using the given options.

If the HighlightAllOccurrences flag is passed, the function will highlight all occurrences that exist in the page. All subsequent calls will extend the highlight, rather than replace it, with occurrences of the new string.

If the HighlightAllOccurrences flag is not passed, the function will select an occurrence and all subsequent calls will replace the current occurrence with the next one.

To clear the selection, just pass an empty string.

Returns true if subString was found; otherwise returns false.

bool QWebPage::focusNextPrevChild ( bool next )

Similar to QWidget::focusNextPrevChild() it focuses the next focusable web element if next is true; otherwise the previous element is focused.

Returns true if it can find a new focusable element, or false if it can't.

QWebFrame * QWebPage::frameAt ( const QPoint & pos ) const

Returns the frame at the given point pos, or 0 if there is no frame at that position.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

See also mainFrame() and currentFrame().

void QWebPage::frameCreated ( QWebFrame * frame ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the page creates a new frame.

See also currentFrame().

void QWebPage::geometryChangeRequested ( const QRect & geom ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the document wants to change the position and size of the page to geom. This can happen for example through JavaScript.

QWebHistory * QWebPage::history () const

Returns a pointer to the view's history of navigated web pages.

QVariant QWebPage::inputMethodQuery ( Qt::InputMethodQuery property ) const

This method is used by the input method to query a set of properties of the page to be able to support complex input method operations as support for surrounding text and reconversions.

property specifies which property is queried.

See also QWidget::inputMethodEvent(), QInputMethodEvent, and QInputContext.

void QWebPage::javaScriptAlert ( QWebFrame * frame, const QString & msg ) [virtual protected]

This function is called whenever a JavaScript program running inside frame calls the alert() function with the message msg.

The default implementation shows the message, msg, with QMessageBox::information.

bool QWebPage::javaScriptConfirm ( QWebFrame * frame, const QString & msg ) [virtual protected]

This function is called whenever a JavaScript program running inside frame calls the confirm() function with the message, msg. Returns true if the user confirms the message; otherwise returns false.

The default implementation executes the query using QMessageBox::information with QMessageBox::Yes and QMessageBox::No buttons.

void QWebPage::javaScriptConsoleMessage ( const QString & message, int lineNumber, const QString & sourceID ) [virtual protected]

This function is called whenever a JavaScript program tries to print a message to the web browser's console.

For example in case of evaluation errors the source URL may be provided in sourceID as well as the lineNumber.

The default implementation prints nothing.

bool QWebPage::javaScriptPrompt ( QWebFrame * frame, const QString & msg, const QString & defaultValue, QString * result ) [virtual protected]

This function is called whenever a JavaScript program running inside frame tries to prompt the user for input. The program may provide an optional message, msg, as well as a default value for the input in defaultValue.

If the prompt was cancelled by the user the implementation should return false; otherwise the result should be written to result and true should be returned. If the prompt was not cancelled by the user, the implementation should return true and the result string must not be null.

The default implementation uses QInputDialog::getText().

void QWebPage::linkClicked ( const QUrl & url ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the user clicks on a link and the page's linkDelegationPolicy property is set to delegate the link handling for the specified url.

By default no links are delegated and are handled by QWebPage instead.

See also linkHovered().

void QWebPage::linkHovered ( const QString & link, const QString & title, const QString & textContent ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when the mouse hovers over a link.

link contains the link url. title is the link element's title, if it is specified in the markup. textContent provides text within the link element, e.g., text inside an HTML anchor tag.

When the mouse leaves the link element the signal is emitted with empty parameters.

See also linkClicked().

void QWebPage::loadFinished ( bool ok ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when the page finishes loading content. This signal is independant of script execution or page rendering. ok will indicate whether the load was successful or any error occurred.

See also loadStarted() and ErrorPageExtension.

void QWebPage::loadProgress ( int progress ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when the global progress status changes. The current value is provided by progress and scales from 0 to 100, which is the default range of QProgressBar. It accumulates changes from all the child frames.

See also bytesReceived().

void QWebPage::loadStarted () [signal]

This signal is emitted when a page starts loading content.

See also loadFinished().

QWebFrame * QWebPage::mainFrame () const

Returns the main frame of the page.

The main frame provides access to the hierarchy of sub-frames and is also needed if you want to explicitly render a web page into a given painter.

See also currentFrame().

void QWebPage::menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested ( bool visible ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the visibility of the menubar in a web browser window that hosts QWebPage should be changed to visible.

void QWebPage::microFocusChanged () [signal]

This signal is emitted when for example the position of the cursor in an editable form element changes. It is used to inform input methods about the new on-screen position where the user is able to enter text. This signal is usually connected to the QWidget::updateMicroFocus() slot.

QNetworkAccessManager * QWebPage::networkAccessManager () const

Returns the QNetworkAccessManager that is responsible for serving network requests for this QWebPage.

See also setNetworkAccessManager().

QWebPluginFactory * QWebPage::pluginFactory () const

Returns the QWebPluginFactory that is responsible for creating plugins embedded into this QWebPage. If no plugin factory is installed a null pointer is returned.

See also setPluginFactory().

void QWebPage::printRequested ( QWebFrame * frame ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the page requests the web browser to print frame, for example through the JavaScript window.print() call.

See also QWebFrame::print() and QPrintPreviewDialog.

void QWebPage::repaintRequested ( const QRect & dirtyRect ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever this QWebPage should be updated and no view was set. dirtyRect contains the area that needs to be updated. To paint the QWebPage get the mainFrame() and call the render(QPainter*, const QRegion&) method with the dirtyRect as the second parameter.

See also mainFrame() and view().

void QWebPage::restoreFrameStateRequested ( QWebFrame * frame ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when the load of frame is finished and the application may now update its state accordingly.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.5.

void QWebPage::saveFrameStateRequested ( QWebFrame * frame, QWebHistoryItem * item ) [signal]

This signal is emitted shortly before the history of navigated pages in frame is changed, for example when navigating back in the history.

The provided QWebHistoryItem, item, holds the history entry of the frame before the change.

A potential use-case for this signal is to store custom data in the QWebHistoryItem associated to the frame, using QWebHistoryItem::setUserData().

This function was introduced in Qt 4.5.

void QWebPage::scrollRequested ( int dx, int dy, const QRect & rectToScroll ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the content given by rectToScroll needs to be scrolled dx and dy downwards and no view was set.

See also view().

void QWebPage::selectionChanged () [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes, either interactively or programmatically (e.g. by calling triggerAction() with a selection action).

See also selectedText().

void QWebPage::setNetworkAccessManager ( QNetworkAccessManager * manager )

Sets the QNetworkAccessManager manager responsible for serving network requests for this QWebPage.

Note: It is currently not supported to change the network access manager after the QWebPage has used it. The results of doing this are undefined.

See also networkAccessManager().

void QWebPage::setPluginFactory ( QWebPluginFactory * factory )

Sets the QWebPluginFactory factory responsible for creating plugins embedded into this QWebPage.

Note: The plugin factory is only used if the QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled attribute is enabled.

See also pluginFactory().

void QWebPage::setView ( QWidget * view )

Sets the view that is associated with the web page.

See also view().

QWebSettings * QWebPage::settings () const

Returns a pointer to the page's settings object.

See also QWebSettings::globalSettings().

bool QWebPage::shouldInterruptJavaScript () [slot]

This function is called when a JavaScript program is running for a long period of time.

If the user wanted to stop the JavaScript the implementation should return true; otherwise false.

The default implementation executes the query using QMessageBox::information with QMessageBox::Yes and QMessageBox::No buttons.

Warning: Because of binary compatibility constraints, this function is not virtual. If you want to provide your own implementation in a QWebPage subclass, reimplement the shouldInterruptJavaScript() slot in your subclass instead. QtWebKit will dynamically detect the slot and call it.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

void QWebPage::statusBarMessage ( const QString & text ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when the statusbar text is changed by the page.

void QWebPage::statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested ( bool visible ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the visibility of the statusbar in a web browser window that hosts QWebPage should be changed to visible.

bool QWebPage::supportsExtension ( Extension extension ) const [virtual]

This virtual function returns true if the web page supports extension; otherwise false is returned.

See also extension().

bool QWebPage::swallowContextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * event )

Filters the context menu event, event, through handlers for scrollbars and custom event handlers in the web page. Returns true if the event was handled; otherwise false.

A web page may swallow a context menu event through a custom event handler, allowing for context menus to be implemented in HTML/JavaScript. This is used by Google Maps, for example.

void QWebPage::toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested ( bool visible ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the visibility of the toolbar in a web browser window that hosts QWebPage should be changed to visible.

quint64 QWebPage::totalBytes () const

Returns the total number of bytes that were received from the network to render the current page, including extra content such as embedded images.

See also bytesReceived().

void QWebPage::triggerAction ( WebAction action, bool checked = false ) [virtual]

This function can be called to trigger the specified action. It is also called by QtWebKit if the user triggers the action, for example through a context menu item.

If action is a checkable action then checked specified whether the action is toggled or not.

See also action().

QUndoStack * QWebPage::undoStack () const

Returns a pointer to the undo stack used for editable content.

See also modified.

void QWebPage::unsupportedContent ( QNetworkReply * reply ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when WebKit cannot handle a link the user navigated to or a web server's response includes a "Content-Disposition" header with the 'attachment' directive. If "Content-Disposition" is present in reply, the web server is indicating that the client should prompt the user to save the content regardless of content-type. See RFC 2616 sections 19.5.1 for details about Content-Disposition.

At signal emission time the meta-data of the QNetworkReply reply is available.

Note: This signal is only emitted if the forwardUnsupportedContent property is set to true.

See also downloadRequested().

void QWebPage::updatePositionDependentActions ( const QPoint & pos )

Updates the page's actions depending on the position pos. For example if pos is over an image element the CopyImageToClipboard action is enabled.

QString QWebPage::userAgentForUrl ( const QUrl & url ) const [virtual protected]

This function is called when a user agent for HTTP requests is needed. You can reimplement this function to dynamically return different user agents for different URLs, based on the url parameter.

The default implementation returns the following value:

"Mozilla/5.0 (%Platform%; %Security%; %Subplatform%; %Locale%) AppleWebKit/%WebKitVersion% (KHTML, like Gecko) %AppVersion Safari/%WebKitVersion%"

On mobile platforms such as Symbian S60 and Maemo, "Mobile Safari" is used instead of "Safari".

In this string the following values are replaced at run-time:

QWidget * QWebPage::view () const

Returns the view widget that is associated with the web page.

See also setView().

void QWebPage::windowCloseRequested () [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the page requests the web browser window to be closed, for example through the JavaScript window.close() call.

Related Non-Members

int qWebKitMajorVersion ()

Returns the 'major' version number of WebKit at run-time as an integer (for example, 531). This is the version of WebKit the application was compiled against.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

See also qWebKitVersion().

int qWebKitMinorVersion ()

Returns the 'minor' version number of WebKit at run-time as an integer (for example, 3). This is the version of WebKit the application was compiled against.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

See also qWebKitVersion().

QString qWebKitVersion ()

Returns the version number of WebKit at run-time as a string (for example, "531.3").

This version is commonly used in WebKit based browsers as part of the user agent string. Web servers and JavaScript might use it to identify the presence of certain WebKit engine features and behaviour.

The evolution of this version is bound to the releases of Apple's Safari browser. For a version specific to the QtWebKit library, see QTWEBKIT_VERSION

This function was introduced in Qt 4.6.

See also QWebPage::userAgentForUrl().

Macro Documentation


This macro expands a numeric value of the form 0xMMNNPP (MM = major, NN = minor, PP = patch) that specifies QtWebKit's version number. For example, if you compile your application against QtWebKit 2.1.2, the QTWEBKIT_VERSION macro will expand to 0x020102.

You can use QTWEBKIT_VERSION to use the latest QtWebKit API where available.

See also QT_VERSION.


Turns the major, minor and patch numbers of a version into an integer, 0xMMNNPP (MM = major, NN = minor, PP = patch). This can be compared with another similarly processed version id, for example in a preprocessor statement:

 // code to use API new in QtWebKit 2.1.0


This macro expands to a string that specifies QtWebKit's version number (for example, "2.1.2"). This is the version against which the application is compiled.