QGeoBoundingArea Class Reference

The QGeoBoundingArea class defines a geographic area. More...

 #include <QGeoBoundingArea>

Inherited by: QGeoBoundingBox and QGeoBoundingCircle.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Types

enum AreaType { BoxType, CircleType }

Public Functions

virtual ~QGeoBoundingArea ()
virtual bool contains ( const QGeoCoordinate & coordinate ) const = 0
virtual bool isEmpty () const = 0
virtual bool isValid () const = 0
virtual AreaType type () const = 0

Detailed Description

The QGeoBoundingArea class defines a geographic area.

This class is the base class for classes which specify a geographic area.

For the sake of consistency, subclasses should describe the specific details of the associated areas in terms of QGeoCoordinate instances and distances in metres.

Member Type Documentation

enum QGeoBoundingArea::AreaType

Describes the type of a bounding area.

Constant Value Description
QGeoBoundingArea::BoxType 0 A box shaped bounding area.
QGeoBoundingArea::CircleType 1 A circular bounding area.

Member Function Documentation

QGeoBoundingArea::~QGeoBoundingArea () [virtual]

Destroys this bounding area.

bool QGeoBoundingArea::contains ( const QGeoCoordinate & coordinate ) const [pure virtual]

Returns whether the coordinate coordinate is contained within this area.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

bool QGeoBoundingArea::isEmpty () const [pure virtual]

Returns whether this bounding area is empty.

An empty area is a region which has a geometrical area of 0.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

bool QGeoBoundingArea::isValid () const [pure virtual]

Returns whether this bounding area is valid.

An area is considered to be invalid if some of the data that is required to unambiguously describe the area has not been set or has been set to an unsuitable value.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

AreaType QGeoBoundingArea::type () const [pure virtual]

Returns the type of this area.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.