QLandmarkFilter Class Reference

The QLandmarkFilter class serves as the base class for all filter classes. Also serves as the default filter which retrieves all landmarks. More...

 #include <QLandmarkFilter>

Inherited by: QLandmarkAttributeFilter, QLandmarkBoxFilter, QLandmarkCategoryFilter, QLandmarkIdFilter, QLandmarkIntersectionFilter, QLandmarkNameFilter, QLandmarkProximityFilter, and QLandmarkUnionFilter.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Types

enum FilterType { InvalidFilter, DefaultFilter, IntersectionFilter, UnionFilter, ..., LandmarkIdFilter }
enum MatchFlag { MatchExactly, MatchContains, MatchStartsWith, MatchEndsWith, MatchFixedString, MatchCaseSensitive }
flags MatchFlags

Public Functions

QLandmarkFilter ()
QLandmarkFilter ( const QLandmarkFilter & other )
virtual ~QLandmarkFilter ()
FilterType type () const
bool operator!= ( const QLandmarkFilter & other ) const
QLandmarkFilter & operator= ( const QLandmarkFilter & other )
bool operator== ( const QLandmarkFilter & other ) const

Related Non-Members

const QLandmarkFilter operator& ( const QLandmarkFilter & left, const QLandmarkFilter & right )
const QLandmarkFilter operator| ( const QLandmarkFilter & left, const QLandmarkFilter & right )

Detailed Description

The QLandmarkFilter class serves as the base class for all filter classes. Also serves as the default filter which retrieves all landmarks.

This class is used as a parameter to search for landmarks, it allows selection of landmarks which meet certain criteria. It is used with QLandmarkManager for synchronous searches or the appropriate request classes for asynchronous searches.

The QLandmarkFilter is primarily intended to serve as the base class for all filter types. However it also has the type of a QLandmark::DefaultFilter, and may thus be used as a filter to match all landmarks.

Member Type Documentation

enum QLandmarkFilter::FilterType

Describes the type of the filter

Constant Value Description
QLandmarkFilter::InvalidFilter 0 An invalid filter which matches nothing
QLandmarkFilter::DefaultFilter 1 A filter which matches all landmarks.
QLandmarkFilter::IntersectionFilter 6 A filter which performs an AND operation with its constituent filters
QLandmarkFilter::UnionFilter 7 A filter which performs an OR operation with its constiuent filters.
QLandmarkFilter::NameFilter 2 A filter which matches landmarks based on name
QLandmarkFilter::ProximityFilter 3 A filter which matches landmarks within a certain range of a given coordinate.
QLandmarkFilter::CategoryFilter 4 A filter which matches landmarks that belong to a given category
QLandmarkFilter::BoxFilter 5 A filter which matches landmarks within a given bounding box.
QLandmarkFilter::AttributeFilter 8 A filter which matches landmarks based on generic attributes.
QLandmarkFilter::LandmarkIdFilter 9 A filter which matches landmarks based on a list of landmark ids.

enum QLandmarkFilter::MatchFlag
flags QLandmarkFilter::MatchFlags

Describes the semantics of matching followed by the filter.

Constant Value Description
QLandmarkFilter::MatchExactly Qt::MatchExactly Performs QVariant-based matching. (For the Symbian and S60 platforms MatchExactly has the same semantics as MatchFixedString)
QLandmarkFilter::MatchContains Qt::MatchContains The search term is contained in the item. (For the Symbian and S60 platforms, MatchContains is not supported)
QLandmarkFilter::MatchStartsWith Qt::MatchStartsWith The search term matches the start of the item.
QLandmarkFilter::MatchEndsWith Qt::MatchEndsWith The search term matches the end of the item.
QLandmarkFilter::MatchFixedString Qt::MatchFixedString Performs string-based matching. String-based comparisons are case-insensitive unless the MatchCaseSensitive flag is also specified.
QLandmarkFilter::MatchCaseSensitive Qt::MatchCaseSensitive The search is case sensitive.

The MatchFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<MatchFlag>. It stores an OR combination of MatchFlag values.

Member Function Documentation

QLandmarkFilter::QLandmarkFilter ()

Constructs an default landmark filter.

QLandmarkFilter::QLandmarkFilter ( const QLandmarkFilter & other )

Constructs a copy of other.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QLandmarkFilter::~QLandmarkFilter () [virtual]

Destroys the filter.

FilterType QLandmarkFilter::type () const

Returns the type of the filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

bool QLandmarkFilter::operator!= ( const QLandmarkFilter & other ) const

Returns true if this filter is not identical to other.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also operator==().

QLandmarkFilter & QLandmarkFilter::operator= ( const QLandmarkFilter & other )

Assigns other to this filter and returns a reference to this filter.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

bool QLandmarkFilter::operator== ( const QLandmarkFilter & other ) const

Returns true if the filter has the same type and criteria as other.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also operator!=().

Related Non-Members

const QLandmarkFilter operator& ( const QLandmarkFilter & left, const QLandmarkFilter & right )

Returns a filter which is the intersection of the left and right filters

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also QLandmarkIntersectionFilter.

const QLandmarkFilter operator| ( const QLandmarkFilter & left, const QLandmarkFilter & right )

Returns a filter which is the union of the left and right filters

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also QLandmarkUnionFilter.