QGeoServiceProvider Class Reference

The QGeoServiceProvider class aggregates access to services which provide geographical information. More...

 #include <QGeoServiceProvider>

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Types

enum Error { NoError, NotSupportedError, UnknownParameterError, MissingRequiredParameterError }

Public Functions

QGeoServiceProvider ( const QString & providerName, const QMap<QString, QVariant> & parameters = ( QMap<QString, QVariant )
~QGeoServiceProvider ()
Error error () const
QString errorString () const
QGeoMappingManager * mappingManager () const
QGeoRoutingManager * routingManager () const
QGeoSearchManager * searchManager () const

Static Public Members

QStringList availableServiceProviders ()

Detailed Description

The QGeoServiceProvider class aggregates access to services which provide geographical information.

The Maps and Navigation API allows people to access various kinds of geographical information, including functionality to perform geocoding, routing and the display of maps. The QGeoServiceProvider aggregates the access to a set of these services that are provided by a single vendor.

It is possible to mix and match service providers for the various domains, so that a geocoding manager from one service provider can be used with a geographic routing manager from another service provider.

This is not recommended unless the client is able to verify that the data provided by the different services are compatible, as differences in the underlying data sets could cause serious incongruences between the services.

Subclasses of QGeoServiceProvider guarantee that the different services that they provide are interoperable.

At this point only the Nokia Services plugin is pacakged with Qt Mobility, which is accessible using the provider name "nokia".

Member Type Documentation

enum QGeoServiceProvider::Error

Describes an error related to the loading and setup of a service provider plugin.

Constant Value Description
QGeoServiceProvider::NoError 0 No error has occurred.
QGeoServiceProvider::NotSupportedError 1 The plugin does not support this functionality.
QGeoServiceProvider::UnknownParameterError 2 The plugin did not recognise one of the parameters it was given.
QGeoServiceProvider::MissingRequiredParameterError 3 The plugin did not find one of the parameters it was expecting.

Member Function Documentation

QGeoServiceProvider::QGeoServiceProvider ( const QString & providerName, const QMap<QString, QVariant> & parameters = ( QMap<QString, QVariant )

QGeoServiceProvider::~QGeoServiceProvider ()

Destroys the service provider object.

QStringList QGeoServiceProvider::availableServiceProviders () [static]

Returns a list of names of the available service providers, for use with the QGeoServiceProvider constructors.

Error QGeoServiceProvider::error () const

Returns an error code describing the error which occurred during the last operation that was performed by this class.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QString QGeoServiceProvider::errorString () const

Returns a string describing the error which occurred during the last operation that was performed by this class.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QGeoMappingManager * QGeoServiceProvider::mappingManager () const

Returns the QGeoMappingManager made available by the service provider.

This function will return 0 if the service provider does not provide any mapping services.

This function will attempt to construct a QGeoMappingManager instance when it is called for the first time. If the attempt is successful the QGeoMappingManager will be cached, otherwise each call of this function will attempt to construct a QGeoMappingManager instance until the construction is successful.

After this function has been called, error() and errorString() will report any errors which occurred during the construction of the QGeoMappingManager.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QGeoRoutingManager * QGeoServiceProvider::routingManager () const

Returns the QGeoRoutingManager made available by the service provider.

This function will return 0 if the service provider does not provide any geographic routing services.

This function will attempt to construct a QGeoRoutingManager instance when it is called for the first time. If the attempt is successful the QGeoRoutingManager will be cached, otherwise each call of this function will attempt to construct a QGeoRoutingManager instance until the construction is successful.

After this function has been called, error() and errorString() will report any errors which occurred during the construction of the QGeoRoutingManager.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QGeoSearchManager * QGeoServiceProvider::searchManager () const

Returns the QGeoSearchManager made available by the service provider.

This function will return 0 if the service provider does not provide any geocoding services.

This function will attempt to construct a QGeoSearchManager instance when it is called for the first time. If the attempt is successful the QGeoSearchManager will be cached, otherwise each call of this function will attempt to construct a QGeoSearchManager instance until the construction is successful.

After this function has been called, error() and errorString() will report any errors which occurred during the construction of the QGeoSearchManager.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.