QGeoRoutingManagerEngine Class Reference

The QGeoRoutingManagerEngine class provides an interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to geographic routing information. More...

 #include <QGeoRoutingManagerEngine>

Inherits: QObject.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Functions

QGeoRoutingManagerEngine ( const QMap<QString, QVariant> & parameters, QObject * parent = 0 )
virtual ~QGeoRoutingManagerEngine ()
virtual QGeoRouteReply * calculateRoute ( const QGeoRouteRequest & request ) = 0
QLocale locale () const
QString managerName () const
int managerVersion () const
void setLocale ( const QLocale & locale )
QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureTypes supportedFeatureTypes () const
QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureWeights supportedFeatureWeights () const
QGeoRouteRequest::ManeuverDetails supportedManeuverDetails () const
QGeoRouteRequest::RouteOptimizations supportedRouteOptimizations () const
QGeoRouteRequest::SegmentDetails supportedSegmentDetails () const
QGeoRouteRequest::TravelModes supportedTravelModes () const
bool supportsAlternativeRoutes () const
bool supportsExcludeAreas () const
bool supportsRouteUpdates () const
virtual QGeoRouteReply * updateRoute ( const QGeoRoute & route, const QGeoCoordinate & position )
  • 29 public functions inherited from QObject


void error ( QGeoRouteReply * reply, QGeoRouteReply::Error error, QString errorString = QString() )
void finished ( QGeoRouteReply * reply )

Protected Functions

void setSupportedFeatureTypes ( QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureTypes featureTypes )
void setSupportedFeatureWeights ( QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureWeights featureWeights )
void setSupportedManeuverDetails ( QGeoRouteRequest::ManeuverDetails maneuverDetails )
void setSupportedRouteOptimizations ( QGeoRouteRequest::RouteOptimizations optimizations )
void setSupportedSegmentDetails ( QGeoRouteRequest::SegmentDetails segmentDetails )
void setSupportedTravelModes ( QGeoRouteRequest::TravelModes travelModes )
void setSupportsAlternativeRoutes ( bool supported )
void setSupportsExcludeAreas ( bool supported )
void setSupportsRouteUpdates ( bool supported )
  • 7 protected functions inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 property inherited from QObject
  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject
  • 1 public variable inherited from QObject
  • 4 static public members inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QGeoRoutingManagerEngine class provides an interface and convenience methods to implementers of QGeoServiceProvider plugins who want to provide access to geographic routing information.

Subclasses of QGeoRoutingManagerEngine need to provide an implementation of calculateRoute().

In the default implementation, supportsRouteUpdates() returns false and updateRoute() returns a QGeoRouteReply object containing a QGeoRouteReply::UnsupportedOptionError.

If the routing service supports updating routes as they are being travelled, the subclass should provide an implementation of updateRoute() and call setSupportsRouteUpdates(true) at some point in time before updateRoute() is called.

The function setSupportsRouteUpdates() is one of several functions which configure the reported capabilities of the engine. If the capabilities of an engine differ from the default values these functions should be used so that the reported capabilies are accurate.

It is important that this is done before calculateRoute(), updateRoute() or any of the capability reporting functions are used to prevent incorrect or inconsistent behaviour.

A subclass of QGeoRouteManagerEngine will often make use of a subclass fo QGeoRouteReply internally, in order to add any engine-specific data (such as a QNetworkReply object for network-based services) to the QGeoRouteReply instances used by the engine.

See also QGeoRoutingManager.

Member Function Documentation

QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::QGeoRoutingManagerEngine ( const QMap<QString, QVariant> & parameters, QObject * parent = 0 )

Constructs a new engine with the specified parent, using parameters to pass any implementation specific data to the engine.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::~QGeoRoutingManagerEngine () [virtual]

Destroys this engine.

QGeoRouteReply * QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::calculateRoute ( const QGeoRouteRequest & request ) [pure virtual]

Begins the calculation of the route specified by request.

A QGeoRouteReply object will be returned, which can be used to manage the routing operation and to return the results of the operation.

This engine and the returned QGeoRouteReply object will emit signals indicating if the operation completes or if errors occur.

Once the operation has completed, QGeoRouteReply::routes can be used to retrieve the calculated route or routes.

If request includes features which are not supported by this engine, as reported by the methods in this engine, then a QGeoRouteReply::UnsupportedOptionError will occur.

The user is responsible for deleting the returned reply object, although this can be done in the slot connected to QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::finished(), QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::error(), QGeoRouteReply::finished() or QGeoRouteReply::error() with deleteLater().

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::error ( QGeoRouteReply * reply, QGeoRouteReply::Error error, QString errorString = QString() ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when an error has been detected in the processing of reply. The QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::finished() signal will probably follow.

The error will be described by the error code error. If errorString is not empty it will contain a textual description of the error.

This signal and QGeoRouteReply::error() will be emitted at the same time.

Note: Do no delete the reply object in the slot connected to this signal. Use deleteLater() instead.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::finished ( QGeoRouteReply * reply ) [signal]

This signal is emitted when reply has finished processing.

If reply::error() equals QGeoRouteReply::NoError then the processing finished successfully.

This signal and QGeoRouteReply::finished() will be emitted at the same time.

Note: Do no delete the reply object in the slot connected to this signal. Use deleteLater() instead.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QLocale QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::locale () const

Returns the locale used to hint to this routing manager about what language to use for addresses and instructions.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setLocale().

QString QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::managerName () const

Returns the name which this engine implementation uses to distinguish itself from the implementations provided by other plugins.

The combination of managerName() and managerVersion() should be unique amongst plugin implementations.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

int QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::managerVersion () const

Returns the version of this engine implementation.

The combination of managerName() and managerVersion() should be unique amongst plugin implementations.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setLocale ( const QLocale & locale )

Sets the locale to be used by the this manager to locale.

If this routing manager supports returning addresses and instructions in different languages, they will be returned in the language of locale.

The locale used defaults to the system locale if this is not set.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also locale().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedFeatureTypes ( QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureTypes featureTypes ) [protected]

Sets the types of features that this engine can take into account during route planning to featureTypes.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it supports no feature types at all.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportedFeatureTypes().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedFeatureWeights ( QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureWeights featureWeights ) [protected]

Sets the weightings which this engine can apply to different features during route planning to featureWeights.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it supports no feaure weights at all.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportedFeatureWeights().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedManeuverDetails ( QGeoRouteRequest::ManeuverDetails maneuverDetails ) [protected]

Sets the levels of detail for navigation manuevers which can be requested by this engine to maneuverDetails.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it supports no maneuver details at all.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportedManeuverDetails().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedRouteOptimizations ( QGeoRouteRequest::RouteOptimizations optimizations ) [protected]

Sets the route optimizations supported by this engine to optimizations.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it supports no route optimizations at all.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportedRouteOptimizations().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedSegmentDetails ( QGeoRouteRequest::SegmentDetails segmentDetails ) [protected]

Sets the levels of detail for routing segments which can be requested by this engine to segmentDetails.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it supports no segment detail at all.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportedSegmentDetails().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportedTravelModes ( QGeoRouteRequest::TravelModes travelModes ) [protected]

Sets the travel modes supported by this engine to travelModes.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it supports no travel modes at all.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportedTravelModes().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportsAlternativeRoutes ( bool supported ) [protected]

Sets whether this engine supports request for alternative routes to supported.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it does not support alternative routes.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportsAlternativeRoutes().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportsExcludeAreas ( bool supported ) [protected]

Sets whether this engine supports request for excluding areas from routes to supported.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it does not support excluding areas.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportsExcludeAreas().

void QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::setSupportsRouteUpdates ( bool supported ) [protected]

Sets whether this engine supports updating routes to supported.

It is important that subclasses use this method to ensure that the engine reports its capabilities correctly. If this function is not used the engine will report that it does not support updating routes.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also supportsRouteUpdates().

QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureTypes QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportedFeatureTypes () const

Returns the types of features that this engine can take into account during route planning.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportedFeatureTypes().

QGeoRouteRequest::FeatureWeights QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportedFeatureWeights () const

Returns the weightings which this engine can apply to different features during route planning.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportedFeatureWeights().

QGeoRouteRequest::ManeuverDetails QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportedManeuverDetails () const

Returns the levels of detail for navigation maneuvers which can be requested by this engine.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportedManeuverDetails().

QGeoRouteRequest::RouteOptimizations QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportedRouteOptimizations () const

Returns the route optimizations supported by this engine.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportedRouteOptimizations().

QGeoRouteRequest::SegmentDetails QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportedSegmentDetails () const

Returns the levels of detail for routing segments which can be requested by this engine.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportedSegmentDetails().

QGeoRouteRequest::TravelModes QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportedTravelModes () const

Returns the travel modes supported by this engine.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportedTravelModes().

bool QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportsAlternativeRoutes () const

Returns whether this engine supports request for alternative routes.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportsAlternativeRoutes().

bool QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportsExcludeAreas () const

Returns whether this engine supports the exclusion of areas from routes.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportsExcludeAreas().

bool QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::supportsRouteUpdates () const

Returns whether this engine supports updating routes.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSupportsRouteUpdates().

QGeoRouteReply * QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::updateRoute ( const QGeoRoute & route, const QGeoCoordinate & position ) [virtual]

Begins the process of updating route based on the current position position.

A QGeoRouteReply object will be returned, which can be used to manage the routing operation and to return the results of the operation.

This engine and the returned QGeoRouteReply object will emit signals indicating if the operation completes or if errors occur.

If supportsRouteUpdates() returns false an QGeoRouteReply::UnsupportedOptionError will occur.

Once the operation has completed, QGeoRouteReply::routes can be used to retrieve the updated route.

The returned route could be entirely different to the original route, especially if position is far enough away from the initial route. Otherwise the route will be similar, although the remaining time and distance will be updated and any segments of the original route which have been traversed will be removed.

The user is responsible for deleting the returned reply object, although this can be done in the slot connected to QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::finished(), QGeoRoutingManagerEngine::error(), QGeoRouteReply::finished() or QGeoRouteReply::error() with deleteLater().

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.