QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest Class Reference

The QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest class allows a client to asynchronously request a list of landmarks by id from a landmark manager. More...

 #include <QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest>

Inherits: QLandmarkAbstractRequest.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Functions

QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest ( QLandmarkManager * manager, QObject * parent = 0 )
~QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest ()
QMap<int, QLandmarkManager::Error> errorMap () const
QList<QLandmarkId> landmarkIds () const
QList<QLandmark> landmarks () const
void setLandmarkId ( const QLandmarkId & landmarkId )
void setLandmarkIds ( const QList<QLandmarkId> & landmarkIds )

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest class allows a client to asynchronously request a list of landmarks by id from a landmark manager.

For a QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest, the resultsAvailable() signal will be emitted when the resultant landmarks (which may be retrieved by calling landmarks()) are updated, whenever indiviual items error out(individual errors may be retrieved by calling errorMap()), or when an overall operation error occurs(which may be retrieved by calling error()).

Please see the class documentation for QLandmarkAbstractRequest for more information about the usage of request classes and ownership semantics.

Member Function Documentation

QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest::QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest ( QLandmarkManager * manager, QObject * parent = 0 )

Creates a new request object with the given manager parent.

QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest::~QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest ()

Destroys the request object.

QMap<int, QLandmarkManager::Error> QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest::errorMap () const

Returns the mapping of input landmark ID list indices to the errors which occurred.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

QList<QLandmarkId> QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest::landmarkIds () const

Returns a list of identifiers of landmarks which are to be retrieved by this request.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setLandmarkIds().

QList<QLandmark> QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest::landmarks () const

Returns the list of landmarks fetched by this request.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

void QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest::setLandmarkId ( const QLandmarkId & landmarkId )

Convenience function that sets a single landmark, specified by landmarkId, to be retrieved by this request.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

void QLandmarkFetchByIdRequest::setLandmarkIds ( const QList<QLandmarkId> & landmarkIds )

Sets the landmarkIds to be retrieved by this request.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also landmarkIds().