QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest Class Reference

The QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest class allows a client to asynchronously request a list of category identifiers from a landmark manager. More...

 #include <QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest>

Inherits: QLandmarkAbstractRequest.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Functions

QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest ( QLandmarkManager * manager, QObject * parent = 0 )
~QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest ()
QList<QLandmarkCategoryId> categoryIds () const
int limit () const
int offset () const
void setLimit ( int limit )
void setOffset ( int offset )
void setSorting ( const QLandmarkNameSort & nameSort )
QLandmarkNameSort sorting () const

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest class allows a client to asynchronously request a list of category identifiers from a landmark manager.

For a QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest, the resultsAvailable() signal will be emitted as resultant category identifiers are found (these are retrievable by calling categoryIds()), as well as if an overall operation error occurred(which may be retrieved by calling QLandmarkAbstractRequest::error()).

Please see the class documentation for QLandmarkAbstractRequest for more information about the usage of request classes and ownership semantics.

Member Function Documentation

QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest ( QLandmarkManager * manager, QObject * parent = 0 )

Creates a new category identifier fetch request object with the given manager aand parent.

QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::~QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest ()

Destroys the request object.

QList<QLandmarkCategoryId> QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::categoryIds () const

Returns the list of category identifiers that have been found during the request.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

int QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::limit () const

Returns the maximum number of category IDs to be returned. By default the limit is set to -1 indicating that IDs of all categories should be retrieved.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setLimit().

int QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::offset () const

Returns the index offset for the request. By default the offset is set to 0. The offset determines the first index which is retrieved. it is generally used in conjunction with limit() to facilitate paging.

For example, if there are 10 categories in the landmark store, setting the offset to 2 and limit to 5 will retrieve the 3rd to 7th category ids inclusively. (The order of category ids is specified by the sorting field).

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setOffset().

void QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::setLimit ( int limit )

Sets the maximum number of category IDs to be returned to limit.

A limit of -1 indicates that IDs of all categories are to be retrieved.

(A limit of 0 will retrieve no categories.)

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also limit().

void QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::setOffset ( int offset )

Sets the index offset for the request.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also offset().

void QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::setSorting ( const QLandmarkNameSort & nameSort )

Sets nameSort to specify the sorting of the returned category ids.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also sorting().

QLandmarkNameSort QLandmarkCategoryIdFetchRequest::sorting () const

Returns the sorting of the categories. By default the sorting is case insensitive and in ascending order according to the category name.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

See also setSorting().