Event Feed

An event feed item consists of

  • an icon (mandatory)
  • a title text (mandatory)
  • a body text
  • a footer text
  • a time stamp (mandatory)
  • up to 3 images

In addition to these, the following information is associated with the item:

  • an event feed source identifier (mandatory)
  • an event feed source in human readable form (mandatory)
  • a URL to be opened when the item is tapped
  • whether the images associated with the item are to be visualized as video links

Event feed items can be created and manipulated by various methods in the MEventFeed class. After getting an instance of MEventFeed using MEventFeed::instance(), MEventFeed::addItem() can be used to add an event feed item and MEventFeed::removeItemsBySourceName() can be used to remove all event feed items from a certain event feed source.

The icon and the images to be used should be given as absolute paths.

The event feed source identifier identifies which source (application, service...) the event feed item is originating from. All items from the same source should use the same identifier.

The human readable event feed source is used in the context menu for the event feed item, allowing the user to for example remove all items from the same source.


See also:

Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
Nokia proprietary
MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan API