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Tp::Client::ChannelInterface Member List

This is the complete list of members for Tp::Client::ChannelInterface, including all inherited members.
AbstractInterface(DBusProxy *proxy, const QLatin1String &interface) Tp::AbstractInterface [protected]
AbstractInterface(const QString &busName, const QString &path, const QLatin1String &interface, const QDBusConnection &connection, QObject *parent) Tp::AbstractInterface [protected]
asyncCall(const QString &method, const QVariant &arg1, const QVariant &arg2, const QVariant &arg3, const QVariant &arg4, const QVariant &arg5, const QVariant &arg6, const QVariant &arg7, const QVariant &arg8) QDBusAbstractInterface
asyncCallWithArgumentList(const QString &method, const QList< QVariant > &args) QDBusAbstractInterface
blockSignals(bool block) QObject
call(const QString &method, const QVariant &arg1, const QVariant &arg2, const QVariant &arg3, const QVariant &arg4, const QVariant &arg5, const QVariant &arg6, const QVariant &arg7, const QVariant &arg8) QDBusAbstractInterface
call(QDBus::CallMode mode, const QString &method, const QVariant &arg1, const QVariant &arg2, const QVariant &arg3, const QVariant &arg4, const QVariant &arg5, const QVariant &arg6, const QVariant &arg7, const QVariant &arg8) QDBusAbstractInterface
callWithArgumentList(QDBus::CallMode mode, const QString &method, const QList< QVariant > &args) QDBusAbstractInterface
callWithCallback(const QString &method, const QList< QVariant > &args, QObject *receiver, const char *returnMethod, const char *errorMethod) QDBusAbstractInterface
callWithCallback(const QString &method, const QList< QVariant > &args, QObject *receiver, const char *slot) QDBusAbstractInterface
ChannelInterface(const QString &busName, const QString &objectPath, QObject *parent=0) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface
ChannelInterface(const QDBusConnection &connection, const QString &busName, const QString &objectPath, QObject *parent=0) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface
ChannelInterface(Tp::DBusProxy *proxy) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface
checkConnectArgs(const char *signal, const QObject *object, const char *method) QObject [protected]
child(const char *objName, const char *inheritsClass, bool recursiveSearch) const QObject
childEvent(QChildEvent *event) QObject [protected, virtual]
children() const QObject
className() const QObject
Close(int timeout=-1) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline, slot]
Closed() Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [signal]
connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) QObject [static]
connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const QObject
connection() const QDBusAbstractInterface
connectNotify(const char *signal) QObject [protected, virtual]
customEvent(QEvent *event) QObject [protected, virtual]
deleteLater() QObject
destroyed(QObject *obj) QObject
disconnect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) QObject [static]
disconnect(const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) QObject
disconnect(const QObject *receiver, const char *method) QObject
disconnectNotify(const char *signal) QObject [protected, virtual]
dumpObjectInfo() QObject
dumpObjectTree() QObject
dynamicPropertyNames() const QObject
event(QEvent *e) QObject [virtual]
eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) QObject [virtual]
findChild(const QString &name) const QObject
findChildren(const QString &name) const QObject
findChildren(const QRegExp &regExp) const QObject
GetChannelType(int timeout=-1) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline, slot]
GetHandle(int timeout=-1) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline, slot]
GetInterfaces(int timeout=-1) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline, slot]
inherits(const char *className) const QObject
insertChild(QObject *object) QObject
installEventFilter(QObject *filterObj) QObject
interface() const QDBusAbstractInterface
internalRequestAllProperties() const Tp::AbstractInterface [protected]
internalRequestProperty(const QString &name) const Tp::AbstractInterface [protected]
internalSetProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &newValue) Tp::AbstractInterface [protected]
invalidate(Tp::DBusProxy *, const QString &, const QString &) Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [protected, virtual]
invalidationMessage() const Tp::AbstractInterface
invalidationReason() const Tp::AbstractInterface
isA(const char *className) const QObject
isValid() const Tp::AbstractInterface
isWidgetType() const QObject
killTimer(int id) QObject
lastError() const QDBusAbstractInterface
metaObject() const QObject [virtual]
moveToThread(QThread *targetThread) QObject
name() const QObject
name(const char *defaultName) const QObject
normalizeSignalSlot(const char *signalSlot) QObject [protected, static]
objectName QObject
objectName() const QObject
parent() const QObject
path() const QDBusAbstractInterface
property(const char *name) const QObject
QObject(QObject *parent) QObject
QObject(QObject *parent, const char *name) QObject
receivers(const char *signal) const QObject [protected]
removeChild(QObject *object) QObject
removeEventFilter(QObject *obj) QObject
requestAllProperties() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyChannelType() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyInitiatorHandle() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyInitiatorID() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyInterfaces() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyRequested() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyTargetHandle() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyTargetHandleType() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
requestPropertyTargetID() const Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline]
sender() const QObject [protected]
service() const QDBusAbstractInterface
setName(const char *name) QObject
setObjectName(const QString &name) QObject
setParent(QObject *parent) QObject
setProperty(const char *name, const QVariant &value) QObject
signalsBlocked() const QObject
startTimer(int interval) QObject
staticInterfaceName() Tp::Client::ChannelInterface [inline, static]
thread() const QObject
timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) QObject [protected, virtual]
tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) QObject [static]
trUtf8(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) QObject [static]
~AbstractInterface() Tp::AbstractInterface [virtual]
~QDBusAbstractInterface() QDBusAbstractInterface [virtual]
~QObject() QObject [virtual]

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Telepathy-Qt4 0.6.5