QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler Class Reference

The QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler class is the legacy interface for specifying custom import behaviour for vCard properties. More...

 #include <QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler>

This class is deprecated.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.1.

Public Functions

virtual ~QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler ()
virtual bool postProcessProperty ( const QVersitDocument & document, const QVersitProperty & property, bool alreadyProcessed, int contactIndex, QContact * contact ) = 0
virtual bool preProcessProperty ( const QVersitDocument & document, const QVersitProperty & property, int contactIndex, QContact * contact ) = 0

Detailed Description

The QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler class is the legacy interface for specifying custom import behaviour for vCard properties.

This interface is replaced by QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandlerV2. For general information on extending Qt Versit, see the document on Versit Plugins.

See also QVersitContactImporter.

Member Function Documentation

QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler::~QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler () [virtual]

Frees any memory in use by this handler.

bool QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler::postProcessProperty ( const QVersitDocument & document, const QVersitProperty & property, bool alreadyProcessed, int contactIndex, QContact * contact ) [pure virtual]

Process property and update contact with the corresponding QContactDetail(s). document provides the context within which the property was found. contactIndex specifies the position that contact will take in the list returned by QVersitContactImporter::importDocuments(). alreadyProcessed is true if the detail has already been processed either by preProcessProperty() or by QVersitContactImporter itself.

Returns true if the property has been handled, false otherwise.

This function is called on every QVersitProperty encountered during an import. This can be used to implement support for vCard properties not supported by QVersitContactImporter.

bool QVersitContactImporterPropertyHandler::preProcessProperty ( const QVersitDocument & document, const QVersitProperty & property, int contactIndex, QContact * contact ) [pure virtual]

Process property and update contact with the corresponding QContactDetail(s). document provides the context within which the property was found. contactIndex specifies the position that contact will take in the list returned by QVersitContactImporter::importDocuments().

Returns true if the property has been handled and requires no further processing, false otherwise.

This function is called on every QVersitProperty encountered during an import. Supply this function and return true to implement custom import behaviour.