const_iterator Class Reference


The QWebElementCollection::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QWebElementCollection. More...

    #include <QWebElementCollection>

This class was introduced in qtwebkit 4.6.

Public Functions

const_iterator ( const const_iterator & other )
bool operator!= ( const const_iterator & other ) const
const QWebElement operator* () const
const_iterator operator+ ( int j ) const
const_iterator & operator++ ()
const_iterator operator++ ( int )
const_iterator & operator+= ( int j )
const_iterator operator- ( int j ) const
int operator- ( const_iterator other ) const
const_iterator & operator-- ()
const_iterator operator-- ( int )
const_iterator & operator-= ( int j )
bool operator< ( const const_iterator & other ) const
bool operator<= ( const const_iterator & other ) const
bool operator== ( const const_iterator & other ) const
bool operator> ( const const_iterator & other ) const
bool operator>= ( const const_iterator & other ) const

Detailed Description

The QWebElementCollection::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QWebElementCollection.

QWebElementCollection provides STL style const iterators for fast low-level access to the elements.

QWebElementCollection::const_iterator allows you to iterate over a QWebElementCollection.

Member Function Documentation

const_iterator::const_iterator ( const const_iterator & other )

Constructs a copy of other.

bool const_iterator::operator!= ( const const_iterator & other ) const

Returns true if other points to a different element than this; iterator; otherwise returns false.

See also operator==().

const QWebElement const_iterator::operator* () const

Returns the current element.

const_iterator const_iterator::operator+ ( int j ) const

Returns an iterator to the element at j positions forward from this iterator. If j is negative, the iterator goes backward.

See also operator-() and operator+=().

const_iterator & const_iterator::operator++ ()

The prefix ++ operator (++it) advances the iterator to the next element in the collection and returns an iterator to the new current element.

Calling this function on QWebElementCollection::end() leads to undefined results.

See also operator--().

const_iterator const_iterator::operator++ ( int )

This is an overloaded function.

The postfix ++ operator (it++) advances the iterator to the next element in the collection and returns an iterator to the previously current element.

Calling this function on QWebElementCollection::end() leads to undefined results.

const_iterator & const_iterator::operator+= ( int j )

Advances the iterator by j elements. If j is negative, the iterator goes backward.

See also operator-=() and operator+().

const_iterator const_iterator::operator- ( int j ) const

Returns an iterator to the element at j positiosn backward from this iterator. If j is negative, the iterator goes forward.

See also operator+() and operator-=().

int const_iterator::operator- ( const_iterator other ) const

Returns the number of elements between the item point to by other and the element pointed to by this iterator.

const_iterator & const_iterator::operator-- ()

The prefix -- operator (--it) makes the preceding element current and returns an iterator to the new current element.

Calling this function on QWebElementCollection::begin() leads to undefined results.

See also operator++().

const_iterator const_iterator::operator-- ( int )

This is an overloaded function.

The postfix -- operator (it--) makes the preceding element current and returns an iterator to the previously current element.

const_iterator & const_iterator::operator-= ( int j )

Makes the iterator go back by j elements. If j is negative, the iterator goes forward.

See also operator+=() and operator-().

bool const_iterator::operator< ( const const_iterator & other ) const

Returns true if the element pointed to by this iterator is less than the element pointed to by the other iterator.

bool const_iterator::operator<= ( const const_iterator & other ) const

Returns true if the element pointed to by this iterator is less than or equal to the element pointed to by the other iterator.

bool const_iterator::operator== ( const const_iterator & other ) const

Returns true if other points to the same item as this iterator; otherwise returns false.

See also operator!=().

bool const_iterator::operator> ( const const_iterator & other ) const

Returns true if the element pointed to by this iterator is greater than the element pointed to by the other iterator.

bool const_iterator::operator>= ( const const_iterator & other ) const

Returns true if the element pointed to by this iterator is greater than or equal to the element pointed to by the other iterator.